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Wildfire Relief Fund logo in white

This fund exists to raise money to support nonprofits and agencies providing immediate assistance to evacuees, animals and others impacted by fires in our area. 

Wildfire Relief Fund logo

The Wildfire Relief & Recovery Fund supports the rebuilding and revitalization of communities throughout our region impacted by wildfire. Tragically, the wildfires have become more and more dangerous, happen more frequently and are incredibly destructive in recent years. More specifically our region has suffered immensely. The impact of these fires has been felt by everyone in our region, and it will take many years of collaborative work for us to rebuild and revitalize homes, health, and wellbeing for all of our neighbors. 

Our goal is to work collaboratively with the nonprofit, government, philanthropic and private sectors to accelerate recovery and rebuilding to create a thriving, resilient and even stronger region. 

The North Complex Fire Grant Program is closed, however, you may still contribute the Wildfire Relief and Recovery Fund to support other relief efforts. 

Back of Butte Hope t-shirt that says "How can I help?"

In December 2021, the North Complex Fire Grant Program closed after granting a total of $1,167,940 for survivors. 

Grants Issued

Paradise Community Chorus
To support the efforts of the Paradise Community Chorus to bring the community together with music of these choral performances, the first of two to take place May 4, 2025.
Oroville Southside Community Improvement Association
To support the continued services of the Haven of Hope on Wheels program, which will include establishing partnerships for service delivery efforts, conduct client survey to assess satisfaction and providing referrals to social services.
Oroville Southside Community Improvement Association
To support the continued services of the Haven of Hope on Wheels program, which will include establishing partnerships for service delivery efforts, conduct client survey to assess satisfaction and providing referrals to social services.
Tiny Pine Foundation
To support with additional funding to help offset a portion of the wages spent on time working on Camp Fire builds.
Rebuild Paradise Foundation
To provide base rock to residents (for the first 5 feet of their home), to make homes safer from future fires, conserve water and improve homeowners' insurability.
Camp Fire Collaborative
To support CFC’s operations and ensure alignment with Northern Valley Catholic Social Services and Tzu Chi DCM support, to provide administrative and logistical support addressing the ongoing needs of vulnerable survivors.
Paradise/Butte County Gleaners
To support their goal to serve the fire victims throughout Butte county with food and supplies and to help the families with homeless prevention by funding PG&E and gas costs to pick up and distribute supplies.
Simple Unmet Needs
To fund case management for Park Fire survivors
Paradise Stronger
To support health education as well as informing the community of essential wellness resources like counseling, nutrition, mental health and preventive care for those impacted by the Camp Fire.
Cohasset Community Association
To support in purchasing a storage shed and container for donations
To enhance the emergency preparedness of our Independent Living Skills (ILS) clients by giving them essential emergency preparedness packs.
Tula Therapeutic Collective
To continue the sliding-scale clinic, which offers low-cost and no-cost psychotherapy services to individuals and families on the Ridge.
Chico Food Locker
To support the pantry seeing more activity since the start of the Park Fire.
Salvation Army
To provide assistance at the Local Assistance Center.
Paradise Stronger
To establish a community garden in Paradise that will provide volunteer and educational opportunities, and promote healthy eating and community building.
Episcopal Diocese of Northern California
To fund their distributing of gift cards and provide emotional care to evacuees.
St. Vincent de Paul
To provide assistance at the Local Assistance Center.
To support efforts to keep residents informed about the fire and evacuations through its smartphone app.
Butte County Sheriff Search & Rescue
To purchase new radios and other needs to help the all-volunteer organization respond to the fire.
Boys and Girls Clubs
To support in their assistance to families evacuated by the fire.
Moms of the Ridge
To address the emotional needs of children in the Camp Fire area with activities that bring them together in safe spaces.
Butte-Glenn 211
To help the organization respond to evacuees and connect them to available resources.
North Valley Animal Disaster Group
To support efforts to rescue and house animals for residents who were evacuated.
American Red Cross
To support in their assistance to evacuees at the shelters.
Northern California Catholic Social Service
To provide mental health services for those affected by the fire and evacuation.
Butte County Local Food Network
To support neighborhood, community and school gardens in the Camp Fire footprint and throughout Butte County.
Children's Community Charter School
To support the increase of counselor time for students affected by the Camp Fire.
Oroville Southside Community Improvement Association
To support efforts assisting people who suffered losses during Thompson Fire and future wildfires.
African American Family and Cultural Center
To support efforts assisting people who suffered losses during Thompson Fire and future wildfires.
Hmong Cultural Center of Butte County
To support efforts assisting people who suffered losses during Thompson Fire and future wildfires.
Butte County Search and Rescue
To purchase mapping equipment to help coordinate response in future wildfires.
Tiny Pine Foundation
To support efforts assisting people who suffered losses during Thompson Fire and future wildfires.
From The Ground Up Farms
To purchase equipment for the Concow food pantry to continue distributing hot meals to the community.
Tiny Pine Foundation
To provide essential needs to Thompson Fire evacuees
North State Food Bank
To provide essential needs to Thompson Fire evacuees
North Valley Animal Disaster Group
To provide essential needs to Thompson Fire evacuees
Butte-Glenn VOAD (Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster)
To provide essential needs to Thompson Fire evacuees
United Way of Northern California
To provide essential needs to Thompson Fire evacuees
American Red Cross
To provide essential needs to Thompson Fire evacuees
Oroville Southside Community Improvement Association
To provide essential needs to Thompson Fire evacuees
Oroville Church of the Nazarene
To provide essential needs to Thompson Fire evacuees
Northern Valley Catholic Social Service
To provide essential needs to Thompson Fire evacuees
Oroville Hope Center
To provide essential needs to Thompson Fire evacuees
New Beginnings Housing Foundation
To support current home improvements, assistance with application fees, deposits, moving as well transportation needs for Camp Fire survivors with developmental disabilities
Rebuild Paradise Foundation
To launch this program with a goal of supporting 100 - 200 families who would each receive a $500 gravel voucher. This will ultimately help combat insurance affordability while simultaneously making our homes and our community safer from wildfire.
Oroville Southside Community Improvement Association
To support the continuation of Haven of Hope on Wheels, a mobile unit that provides showers and laundry to communities in the fire footprints
Museum of Northern California Art (monca)
To host "A Palette of Thoughts" exhibit and a reception for the community which allowed Butte County residents to express their mental health through art therapy
Home Tech Charter School
To support field trips for the year for students in grades 7-12 that were impacted by the Camp Fire.
Rotary Club of Paradise
To support the development of a website for the Rotary Club of Paradise Vocational Committee's annual career expo that provides ongoing learning and working resources for students grades 5-12
Butte County Search and Rescue
To purchase required gear for over the edge vehicle rescues
From the Ground Up Farms
Funding to help continue some basic programs who are benefiting Camp Fire families with backhoe services, tree removal, grocery and gas cards and more.
Northern Valley Catholic Social Service
To support the funding of two Disaster Case Management positions for the North Complex/Bear Fire
Pioneer Union Elementary School District
To buy and install an electronic sign to display community information, school activities and events, as well as safety information from emergency services
Northern Valley Catholic Social Service
To continue providing essential services and support to fire survivors: Disaster case management, crisis counseling support, construction cost analysis assistance, monthly educational and supportive workshops, internet access to help survivors access county, state, and federal services, and more.
Butte County Sheriff's Search and Rescue
To begin a Butte County SAR Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (drone) fleet to help with wildfire evacuations, post-fire search for unaccounted-for individuals, aerial imagery of burn scars, and planning the repopulation of evacuated areas
United Way of Northern California
To fund the building of 20 sheds for Bear Fire survivors and additional cost for delivery
Home & Heart
To support the hiring of a program coordinator, pay for technical support to adapt current CRM and support executive director.
Gateway Science Museum - From Earthquakes to Epidemics
To support the Gateway Science Museum during the From Earthquakes to Epidemics: How Disaster's Transform California's People and Places exhibit. The exhibit will talk about lessons learned and way that we can prepare for the future disasters, including wildfires.
Project Camp
To support the creation of a coalition of child-focused individuals and groups to help address the needs of children and families in future disasters.
Mountain Springs Grange
To rebuild and enhance an outdoor gathering space at the grange property in Feather Falls
NVCF & United Way
The Unmet Needs Roundtable will provide another outlet for resources to help case managers and their clients reach recovery goals.
Oroville Southside Community Improvement Association
To purchase meals for Bear Fire survivors for the organization's drive-through Thanksgiving dinner giveaway
Berry Creek Community Council
To provide food and gas cards for basic needs in winter.
Help Central Inc. (Butte-Glenn 211)
To provide tarps, dehumidifiers and winter supplies for survivors in need
Butte County Sheriff Search and Rescue
To purchase supplies necessary for search and rescue efforts
Northern Valley Catholic Social Service
To provide gift cards for fire survivors attending the Bear Fire Remembrance event at Lakeside Plaza
Northern Valley Catholic Social Service
For gift cards that encouraged Bear Fire survivors to sign up for disaster case management services at two Resource Round Up events
BC Volunteer Fire Dept. Company 52
To replace items that will keep power and water to building in order to aid in community response efforts
St. Vincent de Paul
For simple unmet needs for disaster case managers
Northern Valley Catholic Social Service
To provide a walk-in location for services critical to the recovery of fire survivors at the Lakeside Wildfire Recovery Resource Center
Berry Creek Community Council
To provide food and gas cards for basic needs in winter
Northern Valley Catholic Social Service
Gift cards for gas and food for victims
Butte County
To help remove financially barriers so survivors can safely rebuild and move home, and to re-establish communities
Northern Valley Catholic Social Service
To purchase meals for Bear Fire survivors to sign up for disaster case management services at two Resources Round Up events
Butte County CERT
To purchase radio equipment required to assist the community
Yankee Hill Fire Safe Council
For the North Complex Fire Small Business and Family Relief Project allowing for vouchers to be distributed to those in need to be used at local stores
United Policyholders
To provide fire-impacted families with up to $5,000 in assistance to secure temporary housing during their period of displacement
Tiny Pine Foundation
To deliver free firewood to 75 fire-affected households
Paradise Alliance Church
To expand the defensible space program to the Bear/North Complex Fire
Paradise Gleaners/Butte County Gleaners
To provide basic needs and comfort to those most affected by the COVID crisis
Lake Madrone Water District
For a fire prevention project in the Berry Creek area completing a fire break surrounding its 484-acre district
Butte County
For fire survivor assistance of safe and stable housing
Tiny Pine Foundation
To provide electric blankets to fire survivors
Northern Valley Catholic Social Service
To support Butte Hope which provides mental health support, education and referrals to fire survivors throughout the area
Help Central Inc. (Butte-Glenn 211)
To conduct intake, needs assessment, facilitate connection to available resources and provide follow up and care coordination for recovery
NVCF COVID-19 Employee Care Grant Program
Approved transfer from Wildfire Relief and Recovery Fund approved December 16, 2020
Butte County Dept. of Employment and Social Services
To assist survivors in transitioning from sheltering or unsheltered status to the next step in their recovery
American Humane
The grant would help cover the costs of medical supplies, pet food, supplies, shelter costs, transportation costs, and other costs associated with the deployment.
Paradise Evangelical Free Church
The funding we receive will go towards the purchase of tools and equipment needed to remove brush, cut up felled trees, and clean up properties.
United Way of Northern California
To support the unmet needs of North Complex Fire survivors through case management.
Pioneer Union Elementary School District
For "Give Away Days" every two to three weeks where families can receive donated items along with a gift card for food/gas
Sewa International
To donate food, fresh vegetables, fruits, hygiene kits, gas cards, gift cards to evacuees in Oroville area weekly
Paradise Gleaners/Butte County Gleaners
To collaborate with E&J's Mobile Kitchen to provide food and resources for fire victims, first responders and all their pet needs
From the Ground Up Farms, Inc.
To provide gift cards for gas, groceries and shelter as direct aid to the new and old fire evacuees
Boys & Girls Club of the North Valley
To immediately respond to and bring resources to families that have been displaced
Northern Valley Catholic Social Service
For gift card distribution to fire survivors
Northern Valley Catholic Social Service
To provide fire survivors with emergency gas cards
The Salvation Army, Chico
Gift cards for survivors to be distributed at the Local Assistance Center
Butte County Sheriff's Office Search and Rescue
To purchase of Nomex suits and fire shelters for teams performing searches for missing people in burned-over areas
Tiny Pine Foundation
To supply gift cards to help North Complex Fire evacuees and survivors obtain gas and food
The Axiom Project
To support clothing giveaways for fire survivors
Yankee Hill Fire Safe Council
Vouchers to provide gas, propane, toiletries, groceries, meals pet supplies and household goods
Northern Valley Catholic Social Service
Gas cards for Butte County Office of Education (Pioneer (Berry Creek), Hearthstone, OCESD, OUHSD)
Oroville Southside Community Improvement Association
Basic hygiene products, mobile shower and laundry unit usage, and additional cleaning due to COVID-19
Butte Hope/NVCSS
To provide gift cards for food to survivors
Northern Valley Catholic Social Service
For gift cards in response to the North Complex Fire
Oroville Rescue Mission
To provide gift cards, mission supplies and blankets to fire survivors
Boys & Girls Clubs of the North Valley
To provide gift cards, gas cards and hotel vouchers to displaced families
Northern Valley Catholic Social Service
To purchase meals for Bear Fire survivors for the organization’s drive-through Thanksgiving dinner giveaway
Oroville Hope Center
To provide gas and essential supplies to fire survivors
Youth for Change (6th Street Center)
Supplying food, lodging vouchers and supplies for foster youth and foster families
North Valley Animal Disaster Group
To shelter evacuated animals
American Red Cross
To support Gridley evacuation centers




Listen to NSPR's COVID-19 special coverage interviewing President and CEO, Alexa Benson-Valavanis about how the responding to the Camp Fire has prepared NVCF to help survivors during the latest wildfires.



Click the graphic above for more information about the North Complex Fire and NVCF response and recovery efforts.


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Monday - Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m


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©2025 North Valley Community Foundation

A 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization, EIN 68-0161455. All rights reserved.

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