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Butte-Glenn VOAD Disaster Fund

Propósito del fondo

The purpose of the Fund shall be to raise money to support the activities of the Butte-Glenn Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster. The Butte-Glenn VOAD is an unincorporated association consisting of a group of organizations that work together to provide disaster-related services in Butte and Glenn counties.

Más información


VOAD stands for Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster.

We are a group of independent organizations that collaborate and respond to disaster and may be active in all phases of disaster. BG VOAD is designed to bring together voluntary, religious, and civic organizations in times of natural or man-made emergencies in order to foster more effective response for people affected by disaster.

We strive to identify unmet needs and facilitate efficient, streamlined service delivery to those imperiled or impacted by disaster while eliminating duplication of effort through cooperation in the four phases of disaster: preparation, response, recovery and mitigation.

Datos de contacto

Hilary Crosby

(530) 514-1576

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