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Open to a variety of nonprofit organizations and funds, program support is offered by grantors of all types: businesses, individuals, family funds and more. 


Check here for available grants, guidelines and deadlines. 

City of Chico 2024-25 City Arts Grant

The purpose of the City of Chico Arts Grant Program is to support Chico Arts Organizations and Artists so that they may make quality arts and cultural work, performances and exhibitions available and accessible to members of the Chico community.

Funding Source

The funding source for the City of Chico Arts Grant Program is 1% percent of the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT).

Funding Limits

The minimum award that may be requested is $2,000 and the maximum award is $5,000. Matching funds are required to receive all awards.

Projects Should

  • Deliver or provide support for the delivery of opportunities for the community to engage in arts and cultural experiences.

  • Demonstrate artistic rigor and thoughtful planning to engage the community and audiences.

  • Demonstrate strong support from the community.

  • Demonstrate inclusive service to broad, diverse, and underserved populations.

    • Diversity: The fact or quality of difference in terms of ability, age, belief, culture, ethnicity, gender, language, race and sexual orientation.

    • Underserved Population: People who genuinely lack access to arts programs, services, or resources for geographic, economic, cultural, social, physical or other demonstrable reasons.

Grant Application Deadline

4 p.m. Thursday, June 27, 2024

Funding Decisions and Notifications 

Thursday, August 1, 2024


Funding Activity Period

July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025


Completion of Projects

June 30, 2025


Completion Report due upon completion of the project or no later than

July 15, 2025

Will you be using in-kind contributions to satisfy the match for your program?

Questions should be directed to the City of Chico Arts Commission by email and check the Arts Commission Facebook page for frequently asked questions, or email the City Clerk at

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  • Nonprofit arts and cultural organizations

  • Operating within the city of Chico

  • With a two-year history of producing or presenting

  • Individual artists are only eligible if applying under the sponsorship of a 501(c)3, not for profit that meets the other eligibility requirements


An arts or cultural organization is defined as a nonprofit organization which is organized and operated exclusively for the purpose of providing artistic or cultural exhibitions, presentations, or performances or cultural or art education programs. 

Arts or cultural organizations may include arts service organizations, community and cultural centers, arts councils, agencies and foundations, dance companies, theaters, music groups, education and training programs, galleries and museums, historic and cultural preservation organizations, horticultural and zoological societies, libraries and archives, literary groups and publications, media arts and multi-disciplinary arts centers.


A nonprofit organization’s income is used to support its operation and does not provide monetary gain to stockholders, the board of directors, or others with an interest in the company. Such organizations are defined under the 501(c) section of the federal tax code.

Project Scope

Funds may be used for projects, events, exhibitions, and performances or for capital improvement and equipment projects that support the organization’s ability to provide arts and cultural services. Funds should be considered “seed” monies for projects and not ongoing support.


Funds may not be used for

  • non-arts and cultural activities

  • general operations

  • staff salary or benefits

  • debt service

  • fundraising activities

  • programs intended for private use or use by a restricted membership

  • projects with religious purposes

  • trust, endowments, or investment purposes


All grant applications must offer a dollar-for-dollar (1:1) match. A cash match may be from corporate or private contributions, state or federal government funds, or earned income. City of Chico funds cannot be used as a match. Applicant must indicate whether matching funds are projected, pending, or committed. See Addendum A for clarification and additional information regarding partial in-kind match option.

Review Criteria

The review panel will evaluate applications based on the following criteria:

  • Project Design and Implementation Project design indicates a realistic timeline, appropriate budget, clear artistic and community-based objectives and achievable outcomes. Design articulates methods to evaluate and measure success, collect and analyze data, and document activities. Design demonstrates a depth of involvement and clear plans for community outreach and marketing.

  • Artistic Merit Artists and organizations involved in the project demonstrate skills, expertise, and experiences that are central to the outcomes of the project design.

  • Community Impact Project demonstrates reach and/or depth of engagement in an identified community. The project is responsive to the community to be served. Project execution and evaluation involve significant community participation in accordance with the identified project outcomes.

  • Management and Leadership Ability of applicant organization to implement the proposed project is clearly demonstrated by the qualifications of the project’s team, the viability of the project budget, and overall fiscal and managerial health of applicant and partnering organizations. Demonstrate a history of project and operational success.

Application Submission

Electronic grant applications should be submitted to the North Valley Community Foundation, including the budget upload, before 4 p.m. on Thursday, June 27, 2024.

Review Panel

Applications will be evaluated by the City of Chico Arts Commission in an open meeting.


The North Valley Community Foundation will facilitate notification and distribution of awards.


Upon completion of the project and no later than July 15, 2025, a grant project completion report is due to the City of Chico Arts Commission. It is vital to include all the components below as this will be shared with City Council in a combined presentation that emphasizes the positive impact that the arts and city arts funding has on our city’s health and economy. The report should include:

  • Narrative of the realized project (180 words)

  • Realized outcomes (180 words) to include:

    • community served

    • population and persons served

    • arts and cultural goals realized

  • Budget to Actual report

  • Timeline of project completion

  • Digital archival support of the project (links, video, photos, audio, advertising, program, interviews, etc.)


This report should be emailed to the city clerk’s office - and CC

Failure to Complete Project

In the event that a Grant Recipient is unable to complete their project within the fiscal year awarded, the Grant Recipient may:

  • Submit a written request for an extension to the City Clerk’s office or

  • Return the funds to the City Clerk’s office (check payable to City of Chico)

Extension requests or return of grant award funds are due to the City by June 15, 2025, by 4 p.m. (one month prior to the reporting deadline of July 15). Requests for an extension should include the following:

  • Status of project

  • Reason for delay in project completion

  • Revised project timeline and completion date

The Arts Commission Grants Committee will review all extension requests and provide a recommendation to the full Arts Commission to determine whether to grant extensions or require the grant funds to be returned to the City of Chico.


Consequences for failure to submit a report, apply for an extension, or return funds to the City may result in ineligibility for future City Arts Grant funding.

The City of Chico 2024-25 City Arts Grant application is closed.

The Foundation Building

1811 Concord Ave., Suite 220

Chico, CA 95928

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Office hours:

Monday - Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m


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©2025 North Valley Community Foundation

A 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization, EIN 68-0161455. All rights reserved.

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