Five Years of Gratitude

The Butte Strong Fund, a partnership of the North Valley Community Foundation, Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. and the Aaron Rodgers NorCal Fire Recovery Fund, aims to provide long-term recovery to communities impacted by the Camp Fire.

Butte Strong Fund comenzó inmediatamente después del devastador Camp Fire del condado de Butte el 8 de noviembre de 2018. Combinó tres grandes esfuerzos de recaudación de fondos liderados por North Valley Community Foundation, Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. y el mariscal de campo de Green Bay Packers Aaron Rodgers, un Butte Nativo del condado.

Disaster Case Management
Read our story about case management and how the system developed, as well as the stories of three individuals who were able to regain hope with the care and support of disaster case managers.

The North Valley Community Foundation and its Butte Strong Fund have granted more than $12 million to help build a case management system and then provide assistance to survivors.

Camp Fire Fund Grant Program
After five years of grants and more than $67 million committed to Camp Fire recovery, we will be focusing on a grant program to support the ongoing issues of recovery.
The grant program will make grants to qualifying nonprofit organizations and government agencies that remain active in recovery in the Camp Fire footprint. These grants will typically range from $500 to $10,000.
Please review the grant guidelines before applying. If you have questions regarding the grant application process or the guidelines, contact our grants team at grants@nvcf.org
Recipient | Project | Amount | Description | Date |
Paradise Community Chorus | Spring Concert 2025 | $2,500 | To support the efforts of the Paradise Community Chorus to bring the community together with music of these choral performances, the first of two to take place May 4, 2025. | March 2025 |
Oroville Southside Community Improvement Association | Continued Service of Haven of Hope on Wheels | $12,500 | To support the continued services of the Haven of Hope on Wheels program, which will include establishing partnerships for service delivery efforts, conduct client survey to assess satisfaction and providing referrals to social services. | March 2025 |
Tiny Pine Foundation | Tiny Homes for Camp Fire Survivors | $12,000 | To support with additional funding to help offset a portion of the wages spent on time working on Camp Fire builds. | Feb. 2025 |
Camp Fire Collaborative | Camp Fire Collaborative Operations 2025-2026 | $139,371 | To support CFC’s operations and ensure alignment with Northern Valley Catholic Social Services and Tzu Chi DCM support, to provide administrative and logistical support addressing the ongoing needs of vulnerable survivors. | January 2025 |
Paradise/Butte County Gleaners | Utility support to pick up/distribute supplies | $10,000 | To support their goal to serve the fire victims throughout Butte county with food and supplies and to help the families with homeless prevention by funding PG&E and gas costs to pick up and distribute supplies. | January 2025 |
Paradise Stronger | 2024 Annual Wellness Fair | $3,000 | To support health education as well as informing the community of essential wellness resources like counseling, nutrition, mental health and preventive care for those impacted by the Camp Fire. | September 2024 |
Tula Therapeutic Collective | Paradise Mental Health Expansion | $10,000 | To continue the sliding-scale clinic, which offers low-cost and no-cost psychotherapy services to individuals and families on the Ridge. | July 2024 |
Paradise Stronger | Paradise Community Garden | $10,000 | To establish a community garden in Paradise that will provide volunteer and educational opportunities, and promote healthy eating and community building. | July 2024 |
Butte County Local Food Network | 1000 Acres More on the Ridge | $10,000 | To support neighborhood, community and school gardens in the Camp Fire footprint and throughout Butte County. | July 2024 |
Children's Community Charter School | Increased Counselor Time at CCCS | $10,000 | To support the increase of counselor time for students affected by the Camp Fire. | July 2024 |
From The Ground Up Farms | Highway 70 Corridor Food Pantry | $10,000 | To purchase equipment for the Concow food pantry to continue distributing hot meals to the community. | July 2024 |
New Beginnings Housing Foundation | Affordable Housing For Adults With Developmental Disabilities | $10,000 | To support current home improvements, assistance with application fees, deposits, moving as well transportation needs for Camp Fire survivors with developmental disabilities | May 2024 |
Rebuild Paradise Foundation | Defensible Space (Gravel) Grant | $10,000 | To launch this program with a goal of supporting 100 - 200 families who would each receive a $500 gravel voucher. This will ultimately help combat insurance affordability while simultaneously making our homes and our community safer from wildfire. | May 2024 |
Oroville Southside Community Improvement Association | Support for serving Camp Fire & Berry Creek Fire Survivors through Haven of Hope on Wheels | $10,000 | To support the continuation of Haven of Hope on Wheels, a mobile unit that provides showers and laundry to communities in the fire footprints | May 2024 |
Museum of Northern California Art (monca) | "A Palette of Thoughts" A Community Collaborative Mental Health Awareness Art Show | $2,750 | To host "A Palette of Thoughts" exhibit and a reception for the community which allowed Butte County residents to express their mental health through art therapy | April 2024 |
Home Tech Charter School | Educational Field Trip Fun | $10,000 | To support field trips for the year for students in grades 7-12 that were impacted by the Camp Fire. | April 2024 |
Rotary Club of Paradise | Vocational Committee Website | $10,000 | To support the development of a website for the Rotary Club of Paradise Vocational Committee's annual career expo that provides ongoing learning and working resources for students grades 5-12 | April 2024 |
Butte County Search and Rescue | Over the Edge Rescue | $10,006 | To purchase required gear for over the edge vehicle rescues | March 2024 |
From the Ground Up Farms | Camp Fire Program Extension | $10,000 | Funding to help continue some basic programs who are benefiting Camp Fire families with backhoe services, tree removal, grocery and gas cards and more. | March 2024 |

Butte Strong Fund está trabajando con organizaciones comunitarias para beneficiar a las familias desplazadas.
El efecto de cambios repentinos en la redistribución de la población puede tener un gran impacto en la salud y el bienestar de la comunidad en su conjunto.
Es traumático que un niño pierda un hogar. También es exponencialmente traumático perder una escuela.
Cuando la gente habla de lo que fue destruido en Camp Fire, a menudo habla de lugares que eran simbólicos de la zona.
Cientos de negocios fueron destruidos en Camp Fire. Otros resultaron dañados. Aquellos que han logrado reabrir o aún están decidiendo si reabrirán se enfrentan a la incertidumbre.
Cientos de negocios fueron destruidos en Camp Fire. Otros resultaron dañados. Aquellos que han logrado reabrir o aún están decidiendo si reabrirán se enfrentan a la incertidumbre.


Después de abrir sus puertas a los socorristas y miembros de la comunidad inmediatamente después del incendio del campamento, Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. comenzó una campaña de recaudación de fondos a largo plazo. La cervecería lanzó Resilience Butte County Proud IPA, un proyecto colaborativo de recaudación de fondos con más de 1.400 cervecerías en todo el mundo que recaudó millones de dólares para la ayuda de Camp Fire. A medida que el alivio a corto plazo dio paso a la recuperación a largo plazo, la empresa familiar ha sido un socio valioso y comprometido en cada paso del camino.
El Fondo de Recuperación de Incendios de Aaron Rodgers NorCal se estableció inmediatamente después de Camp Fire para apoyar los programas que ofrecen estabilidad a los jóvenes frente a la crisis, respaldan la infraestructura local de deportes juveniles y respaldan el proceso de devolver viviendas permanentes y transitorias a los quemados. zona.

El Fondo de Recuperación de Incendios de Aaron Rodgers NorCal se estableció inmediatamente después del incendio de Camp Fire para apoyar los programas que ofrecen estabilidad a los jóvenes frente a la crisis, apoyar a las instituciones deportivas juveniles locales.
Infraestructura y apoyo al proceso de traer viviendas permanentes y transitorias de regreso al área quemada.