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The Butte Strong Fund, a partnership of the North Valley Community Foundation, Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. and the Aaron Rodgers NorCal Fire Recovery Fund, aims to provide long-term recovery to communities impacted by the Camp Fire. 


Funded Projects

Below are lists of projects funded by the Butte Strong Fund in their respective categories. 


Funded Projects
2023 Rebuild Project and Volunteer Recruitment
Hope Crisis Response Network, Inc.
Dec. 2023
To support the completion of 18 home rebuild projects for low-income and single parent households, disabled and/or elderly households and veterans.
Paradise self-help, 5 homes
Community Housing Improvement Program
July 2023
For the purchase of lots to develop affordable housing solutions for Camp Fire survivors looking to return to the area.
Hands on Tools Mobile Construction Whole Home Build Project
Valley Contractors Exchange
July 2023
To launch the Whole Home Build Project which will require purchasing four lots.
Habitat Rebuilds in Paradise - Lots for Homes Project
Habitat for Humanity of Butte County
June 2023
For the purchase of five lots for homes for Camp Fire survivors.
Camp Fire Defensible Space Recovery Project
Butte County Fire Safe Council
April 2023
To create defensible space by removing hazardous dead and dying trees where vulnerable residents are living or rebuilding; to also provide education packets and phone guidance to residents
Fuels Management for Housing Recovery, Safety and Wildfire Preparedness
All Hands and Hearts Smart Response Inc.
April 2023
To support private home properties with defensible space and hazard tree removal
Concow Defensible Space Project
From the Ground Up Farms, Inc -
April 2023
To provide 100 feet of defensible space to fire families, financially or physically unable to do so, in the Concow area. Also to teach them to maintain and remind of available tools in Community Tool Lending Library.
Concow / Yankee Hill Strategic Fuel Breaks
Yankee Hill Fire Safe Council
March 2023
To fund strategic fuel break to treat (170) acres, remove hazard trees, and complete (30) Residence Assistance for defensible space for low income, elderly, and disabled prioritized to treat (40) acres
Fuel Reduction Assistance Program
Paradise Alliance Church
March 2023
To complete tree and brush removal at 200 properties in hopes to reach many more
Stand Down - 3-day event for veterans and service providers
Butte County Veterans Stand Down
March 2023
To fund the Stand Down events which will support our unhoused and at risk veterans
T25 Tiny Homes on Foundation in Camp Fire Burn Scar
Tiny Pine Foundation
Jan. 2023
To fund the difference neeeded to build and provide 8-10 permanant tiny homes on foundations for survivors of the Camp fire over a two-year period
Capacity Funding
Rebuild Paradise Foundation
Dec. 2022
To fund staff salaries for Rebuild Paradise program coordinator, administrative assistant and executive director
Rebuilding Homes, Restoring Lives
Hope Crisis Response Network, Inc.
Aug. 2022
To fund the following staff persons either partially or in full: a construction manager, operations manager, construction staff member, purchasing agent, volunteer housing coordinator, volunteer recruiter
Camp Fire Collaborative Community Integration and Operations
Camp Fire Collaborative
June 27, 2022
To support the Camp Fire Collective and their facilitation of disaster case managers to continue helping Camp Fire survivors
The Missing Middle Building Assistance Grant
Rebuild Paradise Foundation
June 2022
To continue the program and to allow a greater number of applicants to maximize grant opportunities
Camp Fire Relief
All Hands and Hearts Smart Response Inc.
June 2022
To provide a well-managed labor force to support locally conceived projects which serve the wildfire related needs of vulnerable fire-affected communities on a year-round basis.
Fuel Reduction Assistance Program
Paradise Alliance Church
Mar. 2022
To help create and facilitate a fire safe community by being a solution to people in need of defensible space
Paradise Community Village 2.0
Regenerating Paradise
Jan. 2022
The grant will support Regenerating Paradise in networking with Paradise community organizations and individuals, finalizing its team and launching a capital campaign to secure funding for its larger housing project.
Two years of staffing
Tiny Pine Foundation
Nov. 2021
The grant will provide funding for two years of staffing for the Tiny Pine Foundation, which has already provided 27 tiny homes or trailers to Camp Fire survivors and has an additional 17 in the works. The new funding will allow for an additional eight to 10 permanent homes during the two-year period.
Home and multi-family rental housing builds
Community Housing Improvement Program (CHIP)
Sept. 2021
To help build 17 homes for Camp Fire survivors and between 50 and 200 units of multi-family rental housing.
Patio/Bistro Sets
Beth Israel of Redding (on behalf of CARR Furnishings)
$ 10,500
Apr. 2021
CARR Furnishings requested assistance to make 150 patio/bistro sets available to the population of people displaced by the Camp Fire that they work with.
Homeowner Guidance
United Policyholders
$ 50,000
Apr. 2021
To provide guidance for homeowners trying to navigate rebuilding and insurance settlements. The organization’s Roadmap to Recovery Program is free for fire survivors. It includes education workshops, virtual question-and-answer forums, a resource library, and virtual pro bono legal clinics and financial decision-making clinics.
Furniture and Transportation
Beth Israel of Redding (on behalf of CARR Furnishings)
$ 15,000
Apr. 2021
CARR Furnishings requested assistance to provide furniture and transportation at no cost for an additional 2 months for those displaced by the Camp Fire as they transition into stable housing.
Fire Angels Network Fund
Sacramento Grove of the Oak
$ 25,000
Apr. 2021
Fire Angels Network Fund requested assistance for their relocation project that relocates families displaced by the Camp Fire to productive safe sustainable areas
Trailer Purchases
Friends of Folsom (on behalf of Hope 4 Homes)
$ 25,000
Apr. 2021
Hope 4 Homes is requesting assistance to purchase trailers and match them with survivors, as well as provide relocation expenses.
Relocation Project
Sacramento Grove of the Oak (on behalf of Fire Angels Network Fund)
$ 25,000
Apr. 2021
Fire Angels Network Fund requested assistance for their relocation project that relocates families displaced by the Camp Fire to productive safe sustainable areas
Securing households
Chico Housing Action Team
$ 500,000
Apr. 2021
To help at least 120 households secure housing over the course of two years.
Case managers
Volunteers Rebuilding Our Community
$ 250,000
Apr. 2021
"Rediscover the Ridge" video series
Youth on the Ridge Community Foundation
$ 50,000
Apr. 2021
For the recently unveiled “Rediscover the Ridge” video series and public relations initiative designed to draw visitors and homeowners to the ridge.
Used RV Purchases and RV Repairs
$ 25,000
Apr. 2021
RV4Campfirefamily requested assistance to purchase used RVs and make ongoing RV repairs to the recently purchased RVs.
Concow Tree Removal
From the Ground Up Farms
$ 103,305
Apr. 2021
The organization will remove dangerous, deadly trees from Concow properties for families for free. This project would remove dangerous trees in the Highway 70 corridor (Concow, Yankee Hill, Pulga, Big Bend, Jarbo Gap and Cherokee). It also will help with defensible space requirements and lot clearing as needed. The program aims to help 24-36 families at first and estimates it will remove about 1,200 trees.
Camp Fire Energy Equity Project
GRID Alternatives
$ 100,000
Nov. 2020
The grant will allow Grid Alternatives to deliver no-cost solar and energy storage solutions to low-income, disaster-affected households.
Septic Infrasture Grant
Rebuild Paradise
$ 875,000
Oct. 2020
The grant will help reduce the cost of septic system repair and replacement for homeowners rebuilding in the Camp Fire area. The grant was issued to the Rebuild Paradise Foundation, which has been working for months to help Camp Fire survivors navigate hurdles to the rebuilding process.
PDA Hosting (Showers)
Trinity Presbyterian Church
$ 7,600
Oct. 2020
To assist in the purchase of a mobile shower unit that is the major requirement for Trinity Presbyterian Church to becoming a Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) Host Site. With the shower unit we will be able to provide hosting services to groups volunteering to assist in the redevelopment of Paradise CA., as well as later, should the same need be required, for survivors of the Bear Fire.
Rebuild Butte County Volunteer Housing
Paradise Alliance Church (VROC)
$ 250,000
July 2020
The grant will help build a dormitory for volunteers who want to travel to the Paradise ridge area to rebuild homes in the aftermath of the Camp Fire.
Camp Fire Community Biomass Solutions
Butte County Fire Safe Council
$ 50,000
July 2020
The project will identify and pave a path through roadblocks to establish a local biomass facility that will put dead and dying trees, vegetation, and re-growing (fire hazard) vegetation to sustainable use.  
Town of Paradise Recovery Communications
Town of Paradise
$ 50,000
July 2020
The goal of this project, like all other projects undertaken by the Town of Paradise is the recovery and support of our residents as they come home to rebuild or reside in Paradise. Specifically, augmenting our communications staff with the addition of Blue Flamingo Marketing Advocates strengthens the vital link between the Town's technical and administrative staff with our residents as they look for information regarding recovery and rebuilding.
Fund Dev Office for CF Affordable Houseing
Habitat for Humanity Yuba/Sutter
$ 50,000
Apr. 2020
A $50,000 grant will allow the organization to hire a fund development officer for Camp Fire-related affordable housing projects. The employee will play a vital role in securing funding for construction of homes for Camp Fire survivors.
Capacity Building Assistant
Habitat for Humanity Butte County
$ 50,000
Apr. 2020
To increase the internal capacity of Habitat of Humanity Butte County in order to respond to our community’s dire need for affordable housing after the Camp Fire, specifically to support an Administrative Assistant.
Camp Fire Shed Project 2020
Paradise Adventist Church
$ 150,000
Apr. 2020
The grant will provide funding for another round of the highly successful volunteer effort. Members of Paradise Adventist Church will partner with Maranatha Volunteers International to build and deliver 400 high-quality, secure storage sheds to selected recipients who live throughout the Camp Fire burn scar. The project directly benefits people who lost their homes, are living in RVs and who intend to rebuild.
Alternative Spring Break Blitz (Shed)
Abundant Manifestations of HOPE
$ 19,479
Apr. 2020
A grant of $19,478 will provide propane distribution to eligible households at North State Food Bank distributions in the burn scar.
Shower Project
Paradise EV Free Church
$ 50,000
Apr. 2020
To fund a shower trailer serving the volunteer teams staying on the Ridge providing them with on-site access to basic hygiene.
Rebuild Incentive Program 2020
Town of Paradise
$ 1,000,000
Apr. 2020
Helps fund a fee-reduction program to assist residents in the rebuilding process. This program will provide an incentive for residents by reducing building and safety permit fees by a fixed amount for all residents, with additional funding available for those who were completely uninsured and intend to rebuild their homes. Learn more about the program when applying for rebuilding permits with the Paradise or Butte County development services department.
Sustaining Growth
Habitat for Humanity Butte County
$ 250,000
Apr. 2020
A $250,000 grant will support increased staffing, technology and systems to help the organization achieve its goal of increasing and sustaining more home production each year.
Concow & Local Vets Gravel Project
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 582
$ 11,500
Apr. 2020
A grant of $11,500 will buy and deliver gravel to the trailers, RVs and other temporary dwellings of 53 families or individuals in and around Concow who lost their homes in the Camp Fire.
Chipper Trailer
Butte County Sheriff's Office
$ 7,040
Apr. 2020
A grant of $7,040 will purchase a trailer to carry a chipper for trees and brush. The Butte Fire Safe Council obtained a grant to buy the chipper but not a trailer. Inmates from Butte County Jail provide the labor, overseen by the Sheriff’s Office. With this trailer and chipper, work crews will be better equipped to assist with continuing efforts to clean up the more remote areas affected by the Camp Fire while also helping to maintain defensible space as vegetation returns.
Tree Removal
Paradise Alliance Church
$ 50,000
Feb. 2020
The grant will help Paradise Alliance Church with a new service that will help residents who don’t qualify for the government program to remove trees and provide defensible space on their property. The program will partner with the Fuels Reduction Assistance Program.
Home and Heart Program
Home and Heart
$ 49,100
Feb. 2020
This grant will provide funding for a new homeshare program. Home and Heart is an affordable housing solution that offers to connect older adults in Butte County who have extra rooms in their houses (home providers) with members of the community in need of housing (home seekers), particularly those who lost housing in the Camp Fire.
Sequoia House: Bridge Housing for Camp Fire Survivors
Jesus Center
$ 16,703
Dec. 2019
This grant will help the Jesus Center open the Sequoia House, a four-bedroom group home that will provide bridge housing for low-income Camp Fire survivors who have a difficult time affording housing.
Concow Pump House Shed Project
From the Ground Up Farms
$ 24,250
Dec. 2019
A grant of $24,250 will help From The Ground Up Farms Inc. provide 30 sheds to protect pump houses for fire survivors in Concow, Yankee Hill, Jarbo Gap and other affected areas. The sheds will help ensure that people don’t lose their water supply over the winter.
Power to the People
Magalia Pines Baptist Church
$ 49,900
Nov. 2019
Magalia Pines Baptist Church requested $49,900 to provide 100 generators distributed though the Magalia Pines Recovery Center to fire victims who are now subjected to ongoing power outages. People with medical needs are the top priority to receive the generators, according to the church.
Stable, Affordable Housing for Adults with Developmental Disabilities
California Vocations, Inc.
$ 199,200
Nov. 2019
California Vocations Inc. requested $199,200 to help with repairs and other maintenance needs on 15 homes purchased for 52 clients who lost their homes in the Camp Fire.
Rebuild Concow
From the Ground Up Farms
$ 122,400
Oct. 2019
Theis grant to the Rebuild Concow Project will allow From the Ground Up Farms to buy a backhoe and trailer for moving wood, a portable sawmill and for trenching. It also will purchase containers to house the tool lending library and the portable sawmill, and about $72,600 in tools and materials for a tool lending program.
Maranatha Fire Shed Project
Paradise Adventist Church
$ 100,000
Oct. 2019
This grant is for the Camp Fire Shed Project. The project is building 200 large, weather-proof sheds to provide storage for residents living on their property in recreational vehicles and other temporary housing.
Housing Manager
Butte County
$ 155,000
Oct. 2019
Butte County intends to use requested funds to hire a housing manager for the next two years. The new position will coordinate financing for housing projects and establish financing programs for single-family construction. The housing manager will work with local jurisdictions, regional housing partners and developers to identify affordable housing projects with gap funding needs that may be ideal for disaster recovery funding.
Building Resiliency Center
Town of Paradise
$ 346,953
Oct. 2019
The town of Paradise envisions the Building Resiliency Center as a one-stop shop for building permits, housing resources and assistance with the rebuilding process from town staff and supporting agencies. The staff also will offer guidance on property insurance options. The center will be housed in the former Bank of America building at 6295 Skyway.
Camp Fire Energy Equity Project
GRID Alternative
$ 50,000
Oct. 2019
The grant will allow Grid Alternatives to deliver no-cost solar and energy storage solutions to low-income, disaster-affected households.
Housing Development Programs
Community Housing Improvement Program (CHIP)
$ 280,000
Sept. 2019
The grant will support the reconstruction of affordable multi-family housing in Paradise destroyed by the Camp Fire.
Camp Fire Welcome Home Kits
Throwing Starfish Foundation
$ 30,000
Aug. 2019
This grant to Throwing Starfish Foundation will provide 100 Camp Fire families with Welcome Home Kits. These kits include household necessities that help families settle into their new home, whether it be a FEMA home or a more permanent situation. The kits include $300 worth of household necessities and can alleviate the costs associated with moving into a new place and having to buy all new items. Throwing Starfish will work with case managers to get these kits to Camp Fire families who are in need.
Roadmap to Recovery
United Policyholders
$ 203,767
Aug. 2019
The grant will help United Policyholders continue its Roadmap to Recovery Program, which includes free public meetings and workshops as well as individual consultations.
Tiny House 3D Printing Project
True North Housing Alliance, Inc
$ 30,000
Aug. 2019
This grant provided stipends to enable students to continue working on a Tiny House 3D Printing project through the summer.
Camp Fire Tree Removal Capacity
Butte County Fire Safe Council
$ 50,000
July 2019
The grant supported identifying barriers for utilizing Camp Fire wood, opportunities to improve communication between partners involved in tree utilization, and find locations to process trees and vegetation debris
Rebuild Incentive Program
Town of Paradise
$ 1,000,000
Mar. 2019
Helps fund a fee-reduction program to assist residents in the rebuilding process. This program will provide an incentive for residents by reducing building and safety permit fees by a fixed amount for all residents, with additional funding available for those who were completely uninsured and intend to rebuild their homes. Learn more about the program when applying for rebuilding permits with the Paradise or Butte County development services department.
Rebuild Incentive Program
Butte County
$ 500,000
Mar. 2019
Helps fund a fee-reduction program to assist residents in the rebuilding process. This program will provide an incentive for residents by reducing building and safety permit fees by a fixed amount for all residents, with additional funding available for those who were completely uninsured and intend to rebuild their homes. Learn more about the program when applying for rebuilding permits with the Paradise or Butte County development services department.
Transitional Housing Repair
Chico Housing Action Team
$ 24,750
Mar. 2019
Chico Housing Action Team requested assistance to repair a transitional house that they have designated specifically for sheltering individuals and families directly displaced by the Camp Fire. This particular structure will have priority given to house others displaced by the Camp Fire if it becomes vacant within the next 5 years.
Housing for Adults with Disabilities
California Vocations, Inc.
$ 159,250
Feb. 2019
California Vocations, which provides housing for adults with developmental disabilities, provided residential services to 58 individuals in 22 homes before the fire. Only one home remained for clients after the fire. California Vocations purchased more than a dozen homes in the area after the fire. The grant helped with needed repairs on the purchased homes.
Volunteer Crew Housing
Youth With A Mission -- Springs of Living Water
$ 25,000
Jan. 2019
Youth With A Mission -- Springs of Living Water requested assistance to provide housing to volunteer crews coming in to help in the wake of the fire, as well as transitional housing for several evacuees
RV Purchases and Repairs
$ 25,000
Jan. 2019
RV4Campfirefamily requested assistance to purchase and repair RVs for the RV matching program to benefit those affected by the Camp Fire.
Temporary Workforce Housing
NVCF - Workforce Housing
$ 1,000,000
Jan. 2019
A grant has been earmarked for one or more temporary workforce housing projects. The goal is to provide housing to skilled workers and their families in an effort to keep the county’s workforce employed locally, rather than moving to areas with both jobs and stable housing. The projects most likely would utilize manufactured homes or trailers than can be redeployed when the occupants find more stable housing.
Permanent Housing for Veterans
Veterans Resource Centers of America
$ 20,000
Jan. 2019
Veterans Resource Centers of America requested assistance to help veterans secure permanent housing
Water Tests
Paradise Irrigation District
$ 25,000
Jan. 2019
Paradise Irrigation District is requesting assistance to offset the cost of water tests and staff time to test the water quality and safety of those residents in Paradise still living on their properties.
RV Relocation
Global Empowement Mission
$ 10,000
Jan. 2019
Global Empowerment Mission requested assistance to assist in the relocation of RVs from the Chico Campground to more permanent and stable locations.
Beth Israel of Redding (on behalf of CARR Furnishings)
$ 20,000
Jan. 2019
CARR Furnishings requested assistance to warehouse and provide furniture to those who relocated to Shasta County because of the Camp Fire.
Housing Senior Citizens
Petaluma Ecumencial Properties (DBA PEP Housing)
$ 1,900
Dec. 2018
PEP Housing is housing several senior citizens displaced by the Camp Fire and requested assistance to provide them with essential items.
Housing Support for Crisis Aid Workers
Youth With A Mission Springs of Living Water
$ 25,000
Dec. 2018
Youth With A Mission Springs of Living Water requested assistance to provide housing support for crisis aid workers.
United Way of Northern California
$ 156,731
SHOP will help individuals and families who lost their homes to the Camp Fire and need financial resources in order to move to a stable housing situation. Eligible clients will receive grants up to $2,500 to cover such items as first month's rent, security deposit, transportation/relocation costs and early utility deposits and payments.
Harvestable Timber
Butte County Fire Safe Council
$ 500,000


Funded Projects
Family Centers
First 5 Butte County
April 4, 2024
To help the establishment and supporting the network of Family Resource Centers
Moms of the Ridge Family Events
Moms on the Ridge
Nov. 2023
To address the ongoing needs of our community by connecting and supporting mothers, caretakers and parents through a range of resources, activities, and events that foster a sense of belonging
Basket Brigade
Nov. 2023
For the purchase of Thanksgiving meals for up to 800 families across our service area
Butte Strong First Responder Wellness Unit
Butte County Mounted Sheriff Posse
Oct. 2023
To fund the expansion of wellness services to a first responder community who has been deeply impacted by traumatic events and major incidents
Resiliency Project with Paradise Stronger
Tula Therapeutic Collective
Oct. 2023
For a resiliency project that will offer emotional and practical support for those who are still impacted by the Camp Fire, including skill-building groups, group counseling and individual counseling.
Healthy Communities Collaborative (HCC) Phase II and III.
Oct. 2023
To continue the work outlined in the completed Phase I (Focus and Alignment) and planned for Phase II (Collaborate and Plan) and Phase III (Execute and Monitor) for the Healthy Communities Collaborative
Holiday in Paradise
Paradise Community Chorus, Inc.
Oct. 2023
To organize the community holiday concert.
Trauma Informed Teaching Artists in the Schools Program for Paradise Area Schools
Butte County Office of Education
Oct. 2023
To support the BCOE Trauma Informed Artists in the Schools program to support the mental health needs of children K-12 at no cost to schools.
Enloe Comprehensive Cancer Center
Enloe Foundation
Sept. 2023
To help fund the development of the Enloe Comprehensive Cancer center which will expand cancer services in the North State
Donations Management Committee Collaboration
Feather River Health Foundation
Sept. 2023
To support households in Butte County reach their recovery goals by fulfilling tangible unmet needs left by the 2018 Camp Fire
Family Resource Center
Magalia Community Church
Aug. 2023
To provide salary stabilization for the labor portion of Magalia Community Church contracts
Balanced Brain Project
HomeTech Charter School
Aug. 2023
To fund a 36-week curriculum designed to utilize creativity, self-awareness practices and enriching activities to benefit mental health for our struggling youth
Food Insecurity Task Force Collaborative Approach Proposal
Paradise Stronger, Inc.
July 2023
To allow local pantries the infrastructure needed to better serve local residents. The organizations that are included in this grant are: Paradise Stronger, Paradise Hope Center, First Christian Church, First Baptist Church and the Magalia Community Church.
North State Food Bank Expansion
Community Action Agency of Butte County, Inc.
July 2023
To expand the CAA's North State Food Bank (NSFB) and provide the needed capacity to double the response to food insecurity across the service area, with emphasis on those impacted by the Camp Fire, and the increased needs following disasters.
Camp Fire Counseling Grant II
Oroville Hope Center
June 203
For counseling of those affected by the Camp Fire. This service will provide therapy sessions for at least 40 low-income individuals and families.
Ecotherapy for long-term recovery
CSU, Chico Ecological Reserves
June 2023
To provide immediate support to Camp Fire Survivors - at least 3,000 community members (1,500 per year) with single-session, professionally guided Forest Therapy experiences, and to pilot a new group-based Ecotherapy cohort model for 200 individuals (100 per year) that will incorporate multi-session Forest Therapy experiences
Community Wellness Program
Sol Sanctuary
June 2023
to benefit Camp Fire survivors and support community recovery by implementing activities that reweave the community fabric around emotional wellbeing; these activities are intended to address the mental and emotional needs of the community as well as support the long-term regeneration of the Ridge.
Farmer's Marketmobile
Butte County Local Food Network
June 2023
To counteract the effects of dwindling access to fresh local food, the Famer’s Marketmobile makes farm-fresh produce available to fire-affected families in Magalia and Conco
Wildflower Century 2023
Ability First Sports
May 2023
To fund registration fees to allow community members with physical disabilities, who are unable to pay registration fees, the opportunity to participate in this event.
Empowerment Programs for Girls from Burn Areas - Spring & Fall 2023
Girls on the Run of the North State
April 2023
To support Girls on the Run of the North State's community service project; this season concludes with a celebratory 5K event
Gap Grant request to fund 3 months
Magalia Community Church
April 2023
To continue distributing food and small household items to community members impacted by the Camp Fire
Breaking Cycles and Creating Change – Building a Trauma Informed Community
Butte-Glenn Community College District
Jan. 2023
To fund three programs that support healing and recovery work for Butte College employees (Breaking Cycles and Creating Change, Secondary Trauma: Impact Support and Training, Community Resiliency Model (CRM))
Reopening the Paradise Teen Center
Boys and Girls Clubs of the North Valley
Jan. 2023
To help reopen the center, which has been closed since the Camp Fire. This center will be outfitted with a computer lab, a full kitchen to support the education of healthy cooking skills as well as vehicles for transportation.
Disaster Case Management 4.0
Camp Fire Collaborative
Dec. 2022
To continue to support the Disaster Case Management System for the remainder of this year and through 2023
Dixie Winter Support
Plumas Rural Services
Dec. 2022
To purchase winter clothing and gas cards for disaster case management clients
Spanish Imagine You Skills Training for Latinx Community and Second Responder Resilience
Integrative Medical Clinic Foundation
Nov. 2022
To fund trainings that will offer participants the opportunity to absorb information and learn the skills taught in their native language while also removing the additional burden of code-switching often placed on the trainers, and will be used across case management serving Camp Fire survivors
Youth Psychiatric Health Facility
Orchard Hospital
Nov. 2022
To help fund the establishment of a youth psychiatric health facility in Butte County
Mental Health Counselor for Concow School at Spring Valley
Golden Feather Union Elementary School District
Oct. 2022
To support the continuation of an on-campus counselor supporting staff and students with healthy strategies to cope with trauma
Love Gives
Paradise Adventist Church
Sept. 2022
For one year of operations for the Love Gives which helps Camp Fire survivors rebuild their lives by distributing free furniture and other household items received from large retailers
Renewal Center Playground Equipment
Jesus Center
Sept. 2022
To offer safe, proximate, and stimulating play equipment to serve the children at the Renewal Center
Labor and operations for resources and recovery
Magalia Community Church
Sept. 2022
To support operational costs to continue distributing food and items to individuals and families in need contributed by various food banks, grocery stores and other organizations
Building Sports Capacity in the Northern California Region – Phase I
Everybody Healthy Body
Sept. 2022
To build a local sports commission: “The North State Regional Sports Commission.” The purpose of the sports commission is to help local sports organizations build their capacity and reach so that our community members will have numerous sport and recreation opportunities to choose from for years to come.
Trauma Informed Teaching Artists in the Schools Program for Paradise area schools
Butte County Office of Education
Aug. 2022
To support the third year of this program, which integrates arts education and the development of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) skills to mitigate the effects of trauma and to help make students more resilient when confronting new traumas
Meal Deliveries to Paradise and Magalia
Chico Meals on Wheels
July 2022
To support Chico Meals on Wheels which provides meal delivery services to low income seniors in the Camp Fire burn scar areas of Paradise and Magalia.
The Peg Taylor Center Older Adult Resilience Project
Innovative Health Care Services, Inc.
July 2022
To provide crisis assistance and support to at-risk adults in Butte County who have been impacted by the Camp Fire, as well as providing more intensive care for those who qualify based on need
Alternative Therapeutic Approaches
Thrive, NVCF: CARE Team Innovations
July 2022
To continue to offer and expand the offerings to additional young people. Current offerings include; equine, forest, music and art therapy as well as a martial arts program
Paradise Stronger and Equilibrium: A Community Wellness Center
Paradise Stronger, Inc.
July 2022
This center will provide much-needed support for those still suffering from the Camp Fire’s post-traumatic effects amongst other things
Fire crisis counseling positions
Paradise Unified School District
July 2022
To maintain and sustain the current counseling positions through June 2024
Outdoor Fitness Equipment Project
Paradise Junior High School
June 2022
Funds will help build an outdoor fitness equipment area to create healthy habits for our students and create an engaging environment that promotes positive attendance at school. PJHS students could use this facility during lunchtime to help support positive activities and behavior which leads to more regulated emotions and relationship building.
Counselor for Children's Community Charter School
Children's Community Charter School
June 2022
To support the continuation of their on-campus counselor supporting students with healthy strategies to cope with trauma.
Ecotherapy program
CSU, Chico Ecological Reserves
June 2022
This program will provide 750-plus individuals with professionally guided forest therapy experiences. This program will also include training sessions for organizations on the topics of forest therapy, mindfulness and other practices as a means to cope with trauma.
Teen Center building
Boys and Girls Clubs of the North Valley
May 2022
To repair and remodel the space to bring it back to life as a central hub for teen programs.
Counseling services
Oroville Hope Center
May 2022
This grant will provide up to 50 low-income individuals with six therapy sessions each
Renew Butte County Local Food Network Farmers Marketmobile
Butte County Local Food Network
May 2022
For the renewal of this program via the Butte County Local Food Network which will support the long-term goal of food security in our region by increasing consumption of locally produced food.
Community wellness program
Sol Sanctuary
Apr. 2022
To support their community wellness program that provides group and individual counseling and life coaching to support trauma recovery and provides tools and resources for survivors to navigate their path forward.
Free exercise program
Paradise U
Apr. 2022
To continue a free exercise program that helps people of all ages and abilities affected by the Camp Fire find a way to use physical activity as a tool to cope.
Physical fitness program
Paradise U
Mar. 2022
The grant will go to Paradise U, a free physical fitness program for Camp Fire survivors which offers classes for adults and students at Paradise Ridge Elementary school.
Food pantry
First Baptist Church of Paradise
Feb. 2022
To support the food pantry, which distributes food and sundry items for people affected by the Camp Fire and other members of the community.
Community garden
Green Paradise Garden
Jan. 2022
The grant provides seed money for development of a community garden. The garden will provide a space in Paradise that is therapeutic for children and the community, where people can work the land and grow foods that are healthy, nourishing and affordable or free.
Adults and senior counseling services
Caring Choices
$ 50,000
Apr. 2021
The grant will allow Caring Choices to add 30 new clients for in-person and virtual counseling services in the next six months, as well as retain their current clients.
Online and in-person health and wellness services
Sol Sanctuary
$ 50,000
Apr. 2021
to provide community wellness services to Camp Fire survivors. Sol Sanctuary offers both online and socially distanced in-person health and wellness services.
"The Secret Agency" 23 Skidoo - Healing through the Arts
CSU, Chico University Foundation
$ 11,561
Nov. 2020
To bring Joel Sullivan, aka Cactus Skidoo, Grammy winning Educator and Artist to Butte County for a week of hands on classroom demonstrations with students and teachers from Paradise School District.
Welcome Home to the Ridge
St. Thomas Moore Church
$ 12,000
Nov. 2020
To help cover the costs of the magnificent crepe trees to.
Art & Craft Kits
Chico Children's Museum
$ 5,165
Nov. 2020
To support the emotional and psychological health of children and families affected by the Camp Fire through engagement in imaginative and expressive art projects. A grant would allow Chico Children's Museum to provide two-hundred and fifty (250) Art & Craft Kits to the Camp Fire Collaborative, for distribution to families who have experienced adversity due to the Camp Fire, such as homelessness and job-loss.
Fall 2020 Victory Garden Blitz for the Camp Fire Scar Area
Butte County Local Food Network
$ 8,530
Nov. 2020
To provide 50 4x4 raised garden boxes with hardware cloth on bottom and animal protection for top to residents of the Camp Fire Scar Area. To provide installation of boxes, mentoring to residents before and after garden box installation. To conduct follow-up survey and on-going workshops and community opportunities to foster success.
California CareForce 2021 Clinic
California CareForce
$ 25,000
Nov. 2020
California CareForce, in concert with community resources, will hold a free clinic providing emergency, restorative, and preventive services to the Camp and Carr fire survivors and other underserved and uninsured individuals in Butte, and surrounding counties, to promote health and improve the quality of life for the patients served.
Be Well Programs
Butte-Glenn Medical Society
$ 10,000
Nov. 2020
To offer 12 online Be Well sessions in May and June and 3 special sessions bringing in Chief Wellness Officers and psychologists. The sessions, focused on wellness coaching and individual wellness, are being offered online due to the COVID crisis.
Paradise Stronger, Inc.
Paradise Stronger, Inc.
$ 50,000
Nov. 2020
Passport to Better Living
California Vocations
$ 50,000
Nov. 2020
To fund the development of a “Passport to Better Living” campaign to include interactive seminars and training videos to present proper examples on how adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) should be treated by healthcare and law enforcement providers, in actual real world scenarios that they can see and interact with.
Art Connections
Upstate Community Enhancement Foundation
$ 20,000
Nov. 2020
This funding will make it possible to direct more funds toward artists/instructors, studio fees, videographer/editor, and supplies.
Cal Hope (Butte Hope)
Northern Valley Catholic Social Service
$ 50,000
Nov. 2020
Funding will cover the cost of salaries and overall operations of the crisis counseling and community outreach program CAL HOPE.
Paradise Hope Center & Distribution
Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, Inc
$ 24,985
Oct. 2020
A grant of $24,985 will help the Hope Center maintain donations and services for the current needs to the community. The grant will support costs of utilities and other operating expenses for a year.
Coaching for Camp Fire Survivors
Sol Sanctuary
$ 25,000
June 2020
For counseling and coaching for Camp Fire survivors.
Imagine You
Integrative Medical Clinic Foundation
$ 18,421
June 2020
To allow the Imagine You Project to deliver online live training to staff and volunteers of community-based/faith-based organizations and agencies offering support across Butte County. In response to the COVID pandemic, Imagine You converted from existing classroom-based field-tested trainings into online live delivery modules in the social services sector, specifically second responders and volunteers working with all those directly impacted by the Camp Fire.
Patient Services Center Generator
Adventist Health Feather River
$ 15,229
June 2020
For a generator at the health organization’s Patient Services Center, which will prevent disruptions to this vital telecommunications hub.
PUSD Healing Initiative
Ponderosa Elementary School
$ 50,000
June 2020
Social & Artistic Integration for CF Survivors
Blue Room Theatre
$ 7,500
June 2020
Scholarships for Camp Fire survivors will provide 20 free Guild memberships, tuition for 15 children in the Fall Youth Theatre Program, and five spots per week for children in the Youth Theatre Summer Camp.
Mobile Hygiene Unit
Oroville Southside Community Improvement Association
$ 220,000
May 2020
To purchase the infrastructure and equipmentto stand up a mobile hygiene unit that serves Paradise and surrounding communities impacted by the Camp Fire.
Trauma Recovery Process/Step into You Groups
Butte Schools Self-Funded Programs
$ 18,000
Apr. 2020
An $18,000 grant will provide mental health support services and group counseling to employees or retirees of Butte-Glenn Community College District, Butte County Office
Community Outreach
Yankee Hill Fire Safe Council
$ 49,995
Apr. 2020
A $49,995 grant will allow the organization to hire two part-timers and also will support a newsletter, website, payroll services and facility fees associated with meetings at Concow School and the historic schoolhouse.
Administration on Community Living event
Rural Education Institute
$ 5,500
Feb. 2020
A grant of $5,500 will help fund an outreach event for the federal Administration on Community Living to hear feedback and identify shortcomings and ways to improve the health and safety of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Gridley Live Spot Youth Center
Butte County Behavioral Health Prevention Services
$ 50,000
Jan. 2020
This grant will provide programs at the Gridley Live Spot Youth Center, which has seen an influx of young Camp Fire survivors.
World Renew Needs Assessment
Camp Fire Collaborative
$ 6,000
Jan. 2020
The grant provided gift cards for the Camp Fire Long Term Recovery Group to offer to participants in the World Renew needs assessment in January. The data gathered from the assessment will be critical to secure additional resources to address the unmet needs in the community.
Two Community Impact Coordinators
Next Gen Churches
$ 24,960
Jan. 2020
The grant will provide funding for two part-time staff members and funding for unmet needs so Next Generation Churches can continue the second year of its relief program for ridge residents.
5 Gallon Jugs for Families
Paradise Irrigation District
$ 25,500
Dec. 2019
The grant will allow the Paradise Irrigation District to distribute 1,000 five-gallon water jugs to families that need them.
Concow Camp Fire Anniversary BBQ
From the Ground Up Farms
$ 2,000
Dec. 2019
A $2,000 grant helped From The Ground Up Farms Inc. host a barbecue and events on the anniversary of the Camp Fire
The Center for Learning and Resilience
Butte County Office of Education
$ 500,000
Nov. 2019
The project funds will provide resources for children, families and caregivers to address trauma and healing.
Community Dinners
Paradise Alliance Church
$ 22,728
Nov. 2019
A grant of $22,728 will help Paradise Alliance Church continue free weekly dinners that serve as a gathering place for fire survivors who live on the ridge
Volunteers Rebuilding Our Community
Hope Crisis Response Network, Inc.
$ 50,000
Oct. 2019
The Hope Crisis Response Network to employ volunteer coordinators in Butte County. The coordinators will help Volunteers Rebuilding Our Community (VROC) recruit and coordinate volunteer teams for home rebuilding events in 2020.
Strengthening Recovery for Vulnerable Adults
Peg Taylor Center
$ 50,000
Oct. 2019
The Peg Taylor Center requested $50,000 to partially cover salaries and benefits for a program director, administrator, assistant administrator, social workers, therapeutic activity coordinator and nurses. Other funding sources include the Direct Relief Foundation and the Emil and Leonora Stiefvater Senior Endowment.
Camp Fire Acupuncture Program, Phase II
Chico Community Acupuncture
$ 25,000
Oct. 2019
Chico Community Acupuncture requested a $25,000 grant to continue an acupuncture treatment program. This installment will provide about 1,000 free acupuncture treatments to 200-300 individuals.
Butte County First Responders Wellness Program
Butte County Sheriff's Posse
$ 1,000,000
Oct. 2019
The funds will provide opportunities to proactively address emotional trauma among Butte County’s first responders and promote strategies to protect mental and physical well-being throughout the span of their careers.
Trauma and Grief Recovery Program
The Growing Place Center for Helping People
$ 25,000
Oct. 2019
The Growing Place Center for Helping People requested $25,000 for a 10-week counseling program for 14- to 18-yearolds and the cost of running trauma and grief support groups.
Camp Fire Anniversary Rememberance Events Fund
Town of Paradise
$ 50,000
Oct. 2019
To coordinate activities of organizations around the anniversary of the Camp Fire in remembrance of the disaster and to celebrate the recovery of impacted communities. Funds will be distributed to organizations to assist in their cost of events.
Paradise Symphony Society
Paradise Symphony Society
$ 12,000
Oct. 2019
The Paradise Symphony Society requested a $12,000 grant to cover expenses and facility rental for four concerts at the Paradise Performing Arts Center.
Butte County Community Services
Butte County Behavioral Health & Department of Employment and Social Services
$ 100,000
Oct. 2019
Butte County requested the grant to pay for a one-year lease on a building at 7200 Skyway in Paradise for the Butte County Community Services Center. The center hopes to provide mental health and social support services in a location that is easy to access. The center will house adult mental health services, social support and employment eligibility services and disaster case management. The center still must be approved by county supervisors.
Forest Therapy for Community Recovery
CSU, Chico Ecological Reserves
$ 49,683
Oct. 2019
A grant of $49,693 will cover project coordination, operational expenses and other costs to develop a pilot project that can be replicated elsewhere to provide forest therapy guide certifications to local mental health professionals, outdoor educators and other health and wellness service providers. They will facilitate guided forest therapy sessions for at least 450 Camp Fire survivors within the pilot program.
Group Counseling
Resilience Resources
$ 50,000
Oct. 2019
Resilience Resources requested a grant of $50,000 for group counseling for people distressed by the Camp Fire.
Paradise Ambulance Subsidy
Adventist Health Feather River
$ 49,000
Sept. 2019
The grant will help pay for a facility to allow ambulance service to return to Paradise. The Butte EMS ambulance station in Paradise was destroyed in the Camp Fire. The subsidy, augmented by the Feather River Health Foundation, will re-establish a base station in Paradise, enable 24/7 ambulance service and reduce ambulance response time to pre-fire levels.
Healing Trauma through Nature
Paradise Parks & Recreation
$ 50,000
Aug. 2019
This project aims to support a comprehensive program to develop and deliver expanded outdoor experiences for those in the Paradise Recreation and Park District service area, designed to help heal the Camp Fire-related traumas experienced by the residents of Paradise, Concow, Yankee Hill, Magalia and Butte Creek Canyon.
Butte Artists for Butte Strong Families
Social Good Fund
$ 15,000
Aug. 2019
The program aims to involve at least 300 children displaced by the Camp Fire, have at least 100 families complete a piece of art in 2020 and produce data by conducting surveys with all participants. There would be a total of 12 pop-up art workshops in seven Butte County communities. A similar program has been operating for the last 6 months.
Paradise U
CASPER, CSU, Chico Foundation
$ 25,000
Aug. 2019
This program through Chico State University would fund two types of physical activity classes: a community-wide physical activity program that will provide about 20 physical activity classes per week in Paradise and Chico, serving up to 600 individuals per week, and an in-school program will serve interested K-6 classrooms with seven hours per week (divided between the classrooms) to serve approximately 150 children per week.
Wellness Project
Stonewall Alliance
$ 25,000
Aug. 2019
This grant was funded to enable Stonewall to provide individual counseling to a minimum of 20 Camp Fire-affected community members, provide groups and outings to a minimum of 50 Camp Fire affected community members, and to provide LGBTQ+ culturally competent training to a minimum of 10 providers who serve the Camp Fire-affected community.
Understanding Trauma in the Workplace
Alliance for Workforce Development
$ 35,000
Aug. 2019
The request from Alliance for Workforce Development covers providing training to 25-50 employers to cover a HR directors group training, workshops with the Butte College Economic and Workforce Department and The Training Place, and a post-workshop assessment with the overall goal to “provide training and support to assist employers and employees develop healing centered recovery strategies for dealing with post-traumatic stress.”
Restoring Healthcare Infrastructure
Butte-Glenn Medical Society
$ 25,000
July 2019
To fund a summit to envision the future of health care infrastructure in Paradise. The summit also hopes to determine how the community can restore 300 skilled nursing facility beds that were lost in the fire, analyze health care workforce needs and much more. The event plans to include all hospitals in the county, the county’s behavioral health and public health departments, the California Medical Association, and several health and wellness coalitions.
Art on Wheels: Tap-Pen, Tap-Out
Chico Art Center
$ 25,000
July 2019
To fund an art program in schools for students affected by the Camp Fire for the coming school year. The pop-up booths at schools provide an extra layer of emotional and mental support for youths and staff at sites experiencing trauma or behavioral issues during the school day.
Camp Fire Survivor Counseling Fund
Heartstrings Counseling
$ 45,000
July 2019
To cover more than 800 counseling sessions as part of the Camp Fire Survivor Counseling Fund.
WPE Food Delivery
White Pony Express
$ 5,000
May 2019
White Pony Express and North State Food Bank are providing additional fresh produce to more than 400 Camp Fire survivor families living in Concow and in FEMA trailers in other counties.
Community Dinners
Paradise Alliance Church
$ 27,272
May 2019
To cover the continued expenses of the regular Community Dinner for another three months.
Trauma Assistance
Sacramento Kindness Campaign
$ 25,000
Apr. 2019
Sacramento Kindness Campaign requested assistance to provide Camp Fire survivors with trauma assistance, therapeutic space in Sacramento and practitioners for occupational health.
Butte County Office of Education
Butte County Office of Education
$ 25,000
Apr. 2019
BCOE requested assistance to provide an Early Childhood and Family Supports program, which would provide engagement and mental health supports to young children, their families and early childhood professionals.
Refrigerated Truck Purchase
Community Action Agency of Butte County, Inc.
$ 24,000
Apr. 2019
Community Action Agency of Butte County is requesting assistance toward the purchase of a refrigerated truck in order to be able to expand their ability to deliver nutritious food to displaced populations.
Trauma and Grief Recovery Program
The Growing Place Center for Helping People
$ 25,000
Apr. 2019
The Growing Place Trauma and Grief Recovery program requested assistance to expand their current programs including Hope During Grief and Loss, Hope After Grief, and a bereavement group for pet owners.
Weekly Dinners
Paradise Alliance Church
$ 25,000
Apr. 2019
Paradise Alliance requested assistance to provide weekly dinners to the community at their facility as a way to rebuild a sense of community and reduce isolation.
Palermo Middle School Rest Area
Palermo Middle School
$ 1,000
Mar. 2019
Palermo Middle School requested assistance to enhance a resting area for students to go to when they need a moment to reset and recover.
Counseling Services
Heartstrings Counseling
$ 5,000
Feb. 2019
The Heartstrings Counseling requested assistance to start the Fire Survivor Counseling Fund. This fund will provide free counseling services to Camp Fire survivors who have relocated to Placer County.
Calming Rooms
Marsh Junior High School
$ 5,000
Feb. 2019
Marsh Junior High School requested assistance to create calming rooms at their school. The room will contain comfortable seating, low lighting, manipulatives, calming activities and therapeutic tools.
Medical Equipment and Home Items
Passages (CSU Chico Research Foundation)
$ 25,000
Feb. 2019
Passages requested assistance to help older adults affected by the Camp Fire secure medical equipment and home items.
Parent Training
Sherwood Montessori
$ 1,538
Feb. 2019
Sherwood Montessori requested assistance to host a parent training to help parents support their children who have experienced trauma. They are also requesting funds to offer a scholarship for the wilderness camp as well as supplies for a 7th-grade student and instructor.
Ongoing Trauma Support
Chico High School
$ 20,000
Jan. 2019
Chico High School requested assistance to provide ongoing trauma support.
Portable Toilet and Handwashing Station
Yankee Hill Historical Society
Jan. 2019
Yankee Hill Historical Society requested assistance to provide a portable toilet and handwashing station for a facility that would be used for community meetings in Yankee Hill/Concow
Mental Health Services and Therapy Dog Program
Golden Feather Union Elementary School District
$ 25,000
Jan. 2019
Golden Feather Union Elementary School District requested assistance to provide mental health services and a therapy dog program to affected students.
Music Therapy and Instruments
The Music Therapy Fund
$ 15,769
Jan. 2019
The Music Therapy Impact Fund requested assistance to provide music therapy and instruments to those affected by the Camp Fire.
Health and Wellness Services
Simply Results Physical Therapy, Inc.
$ 4,000
Dec. 2018
Simply Results Physical Therapy, Inc. requested assistance to provide health and wellness services for those affected by the Camp Fire.
Mental Health Services to Students
Pleasant Valley High School
$ 25,000
Dec. 2018
Pleasant Valley High School requested assistance to provide mental health services to students affected by the Camp Fire.
Healing Through Art and the Word
$ 15,000
Trauma-Informed Artists in Schools
Butte County Office of Education
$ 29,235
Emergency Abatement Project
Butte County Mosquito & Vector Control District
$ 310,434
The mosquito district asked for the financial help for increased labor costs and insecticides needed to address increased mosquito breeding sources in the Paradise area, in part because of unoccupied properties.
Trauma Response & Recovery
Butte County Office of Education
$ 1,861,270
Chico Community Acupuncture
Chico Community Acupuncture
$ 25,000
Chico Community Acupuncture is proposing to provide 1,250 free acupuncture treatments to serve approximately 200-300 people, with a standard treatment of 12 visits.
Kevin Spencer Residency- Healing through the Arts
CSU, Chico University Foundation
$ 12,960
Mobile Trauma Recovery
Sacramento Kindness Campaign
$ 25,000
Child Trauma Reduction
Butte County Office of Education
$ 232,000
Medical Clinic
California CareForce
$ 25,000
Trauma Training
Green Cross (on behalf of Butte County CISM Team)
$ 4,300
Butte County CISM Team, along with a Green Cross, provided trauma training for 40-45 pastors of Butte County. Green Cross met with 5 churches providing services in Paradise, Magalia and Concow, providing mental health psychological first aid to both the congregants, the secular population and the pastors.


Funded Projects
Camp Fire Collaborative operations
Camp Fire Collaborative
May 17, 2022
To continue to perform many fire recovery functions, mainly case management for fire survivors.
Basic needs to fire survivors
Northern Valley Catholic Social Service
Nov. 2021
To provide basic and immediate needs for Camp Fire survivors who were impacted a second time by 2021 fires.
Food assessment study
Butte County Local Food Network
$ 43,340
June 2021
The organization hopes to complete the study by the end of summer, the start of a process to create a network to address food insecurity and food distribution in the region.
Gift vouchers and support
Yankee Hill Fire Safe Council
$ 50,000
June 2021
The grant supports businesses in the area through a voucher program, with vouchers to fire survivors that are redeemable at businesses in the Concow/Yankee Hill area.
Food and necessities to fire survivors
Paradise Gleaners/Butte County Gleaners
$ 30,000
Apr. 2021
To provide food and other necessities to fire survivors and at-risk populations. The grant was augmented by $10,000 from NVCF’s North Complex Fire Grant Program and $10,000 from NVCF’s Coronavirus Rapid Response Fund. The effort will take place over a two-month to three-month period and hopes to serve more than 3,000 people.
Food distribution center
Tzu Chi Foundation
$ 10,500
Apr. 2021
to build a food distribution center as part of John and Teri Rubiolo’s “I AM’s Garden” meal service facility. The grant will pay for the metal building, and Tzu Chi will fund the concrete foundation.
Feed Butte County Direct
Butte County Local Food Network
$ 50,000
Nov. 2020
To provide 25 CSA share/boxes to families with children, the elderly or infirm, and/or those who are low or fixed income. Food share will be delievered to a few centrally located pickup points in both Concow and Magalia.
Tool Lending Library/Food Pantry Power Upgrade
From the Ground Up Farms
$ 15,000
Nov. 2020
To upgrade the community tool lending library and to convert our sawmill garage to a “food pantry” or space that can be used by various agencies as a place to do giveaways in a comfortable environment. This would involve running electricity to the containers to allow for refrigeration and lights.
Campaign Propane
Campaign Propane
$ 10,000
Nov. 2020
Love Delivers
Paradise Adventist Church
$ 5,000
Nov. 2020
To help a minimum of 250 Camp Fire Survivors who are living within the burn scar with daily grocery deliveries during this unprecedented time of the shelter-in-place mandate as a precaution to decrease the spread of the COVID-19 Pandemic currently facing our world.
MCC operational expenses through December 2020
Magalia Community Church
$ 50,000
Nov. 2020
To secure additional funding to keep our Resource and Recovery Center open until the end of 2020. 
Food Pantry Support
First Baptist Church of Paradise
$ 15,000
Apr. 2020
A $15,000 grant will allow the organization to continue to distribute food and other items for people affected by the Camp Fire.
Disaster Relief Divison
Oroville Hope Center
$ 218,493
Apr. 2020
A grant of $218,492, matched by $218,492 from the American Red Cross, will pay for operational support for long-term recovery and rebuilding efforts. The Disaster Relief Division of the Oroville Hope Center serves as the main county-designated Camp Fire donation hub. It works in conjunction with the Paradise Hope Center, where survivors can access food, water, clothes and support services.
Butte 211
$ 25,000
Apr. 2020
A $25,000 grant will allow Butte 211 to create a public, user-friendly website providing real time updated community resource information for fire survivors, disaster case managers and other workers assisting in the Camp Fire recovery.
Voucher Program
Yankee Hill Fire Safe Council
$ 49,995
Apr. 2020
Funds $49,995 in vouchers for residents to use at three markets and stores near Concow.
Camp Fire Community Queue Relief
United Way of Northern California
$ 45,150
Apr. 2020
A grant of $45,150 provided support for United Way’s Stable Housing Opportunities Program and allowed United Way to deploy $900,000 to vulnerable households.
Unmet Needs Provisions for Homeless Camp Fire Survivors
Paradise/Butte County Gleaners
$ 25,000
Apr. 2020
A $25,000 grant will provide provisions for homeless Camp Fire survivors in Concow, Magalia, Gridley, Paradise and Oroville that aren’t normally carried at the food bank. That includes disinfectant products, wipes, hand sanitizers, Lysol spray, bleach and other cleaning items.
COVID-19 Rapid Response
Community Resource Coalition
$ 10,000
Mar. 2020
The Community Resource Coalition is one of the several organizations receiving a $10,000 grant for Camp Fire survivors' urgent needs amidst the coronavirus pandemic.
COVID-19 Rapid Response
Meals on Wheels
$ 10,000
Mar. 2020
Meals on Wheels is one of the several organizations receiving a $10,000 grant for Camp Fire survivors' urgent needs amidst the coronavirus pandemic.
COVID-19 Rapid Response
Paradise Alliance Church
$ 10,000
Mar. 2020
Paradise Alliance Church is one of the several organizations receiving a $10,000 grant for Camp Fire survivors' urgent needs amidst the coronavirus pandemic.
COVID-19 Rapid Response
Magalia Pines Baptist Church
$ 10,000
Mar. 2020
The First Baptist Church of Magalia is one of the several organizations receiving a $10,000 grant for Camp Fire survivors' urgent needs amidst the coronavirus pandemic.
COVID-19 Rapid Response
Yankee Hill Fire Safe Council
$ 10,000
Mar. 2020
The Yankee Hill Fire Safe Council is one of the several organizations receiving a $10,000 grant for Camp Fire survivors' urgent needs amidst the coronavirus pandemic.
COVID-19 Rapid Response
Oroville Hope Center
$ 50,000
Mar. 2020
Oroville Hope Center is one of the several organizations receiving grant for Camp Fire survivors' urgent needs amidst the coronavirus pandemic. The center serves as a distribution center for the Paradise Hope Center, several churches, nonprofits and schools in the burn area.
COVID-19 Rapid Response
$ 10,000
Mar. 2020
Passages is one of the several organizations receiving a $10,000 grant for Camp Fire survivors' urgent needs amidst the coronavirus pandemic.
COVID-19 Rapid Response
First Christian Church of Paradise
$ 10,000
Mar. 2020
First Christian Church of Paradise is one of the several organizations receiving a $10,000 grant for Camp Fire survivors' urgent needs amidst the coronavirus pandemic.
COVID-19 Rapid Response
Magalia Community Church
$ 10,000
Mar. 2020
Magalia Community Church is one of the several organizations receiving a $10,000 grant for Camp Fire survivors' urgent needs amidst the coronavirus pandemic.
COVID-19 Rapid Response
Salvation Army
$ 25,000
Mar. 2020
This grant was provided to help with delivery of food and supplies in the Camp Fire burn scar. There is an increased need for such services for homebound residents because of the coronavirus pandemic.
COVID-19 Rapid Response
Adventist Health Feather River
$ 10,000
Mar. 2020
Adventist Health Feather River is one of the several organizations receiving a $10,000 grant for Camp Fire survivors' urgent needs amidst the coronavirus pandemic.
COVID-19 Rapid Response
First Baptist Church of Paradise
$ 10,000
Mar. 2020
First Baptist Church of Paradise is one of the several organizations receiving a $10,000 grant for Camp Fire survivors' urgent needs amidst the coronavirus pandemic.
Community Resource Coalition
$ 50,000
Feb. 2020
A $50,000 grant will help with ongoing needs of the resource center in Paradise that was established by the organization to provide goods and services to Camp Fire survivors.
Program for Camp Fire Survivors - Support
Chico Meals on Wheels
$ 30,000
Feb. 2020
This grant will help Chico Meals on Wheels deliver meals on the ridge because Paradise Meals on Wheels no longer exists. 
Magalia Community Center
St. John's Episcopal Church
$ 50,000
Jan. 2020
This grant will help develop the Magalia Community Center. The former golf course clubhouse was designed as a conference center and affords 2,000 square feet of space that can accommodate up to 150 people for an assembly.
Welcome Home Kits (second round)
Throwing Starfish Foundation
$ 20,000
Jan. 2020
The grant to Throwing Starfish Foundation will augment an earlier Butte Strong Fund grant that provides kitchen essentials and other household items. The proposal covers 150 of the welcome home kits.
Food Pantry Support
First Christian Church of Paradise
$ 16,595
Jan. 2020
The grant will help the First Christian Church of Paradise continue to stock a food pantry. The church says it is serving roughly 150 families each month by providing food, including fresh meat, fruits and vegetables.
Program for Camp Fire Survivors - Support
Chico Meals on Wheels
$ 30,000
Jan. 2020
A $30,000 grant will help Chico Meals on Wheels deliver meals on the ridge because Paradise Meals on Wheels no longer exists.
Resource & Recovery Center
Magalia Community Church
$ 50,000
Dec. 2019
A $102,101 grant will help the church keep its resource center open an additional six months. The church serves thousands of Camp Fire survivors each month. The church offers food, clothing, housewares, counseling services, and laundry and shower facilities. It also hosts 24 recreational vehicles belonging to survivors.
Disaster Case Management
Jesus Center
$ 21,219
Sept. 2019
A grant of $21,219.15 will cover wages and benefits for a part-time case manager, which will allow the Jesus Center to take on more Camp Fire cases.
Magalia Pines Recovery Center Temp Facility Upgrade
Magalia Pines Baptist Church
$ 22,900
Sept. 2019
A $22,900 grant request will allow the Magalia Pines Recovery Center, run by the Magalia Pines Baptist Church, to upgrade its temporary facility. The upgrade will include a temporary office area for case management.
Campaign Propane
Sacramento Grove of the Oak
$ 50,000
Aug. 2019
This grant will allow Campaign Propane, fiscally sponsored by Sacramento Grove of the Oak, to continue its work procuring and delivering propane to areas affected by the Camp Fire. Propane has emerged as a vital resource for people living on the ridge, and consequentially can quickly drain their limited resources.
Relocation Grant
$ 50,000
Aug. 2019
This program to Global Empowerment Mission is to provide 25-30 families with direct assistance of up to $1,500 per household for families interested in relocating and needing financial help to make this happen.
Expanded Emergency Financial Assist Project
Butte 211
$ 49,951
Aug. 2019
This grant allows Butte 2-1-1 to be able to process and verify up to 200 emergency financial assistance applications for distribution of direct assistance funds to Camp Fire survivors who have a demonstrated and verified need for immediate financial support for gas, food, housing, transportation, and medical/dental care. It also will allow them to train 3-4 new and existing staff to work with emergency financial assistance applications and the centralized computer system used by case managers.
Disaster Case Management
Boys and Girls Club
$ 50,000
Aug. 2019
Created a disaster case management position at the Boys and Girls Club to provide direct services to youth and families who have been impacted by the Camp Fire. This includes everything from triaging immediate needs, identifying unmet needs, directly connecting families with referrals and resources, providing direct financial support, and helping families return to their pre-fire housing status.
Disaster Case Management Supervisor
Jesus Center
$ 28,781
Aug. 2019
Allowed the Jesus Center to increase the hours of a current staff member to assume the role of a case management supervisor to work exclusively with Camp Fire survivors. This will allow the Jesus Center to increase its caseload by 50 percent (from 20 to 30) and will decrease the costs to the Jesus Center to operate and supervise this program.
Laundry & Shower Trailers
Paradise Alliance Church
$ 30,000
July 2019
To provide a trailer with eight showers, four washing machines and four dryers for Camp Fire victims. The shower and laundry facilities will be available four hours a day, five days a week.
First Baptist Church Food Pantry
First Baptist Church of Paradise
$ 14,400
July 2019
To support the continued operations of the food pantry, which serves about 500 people per month. Since January, the food pantry has been open three times a week. The group receives food from the Contra Costa/Solano Food Bank at a discount.
Program Training
NVCSS - Disaster Case Management
$ 4,000
June 2019
To provide lodging for two trainers from Sonoma County Catholic Charities, as well as food, beverages and utensils for a disaster case management training June 24-26 for members of the Case Management Committee.
Camp Fire Compassion Fund
Enloe Foundation
$ 50,000
June 2019
To help cover gift cards, housing deposits, down payment assistance for trailers, necessary medical equipment not covered by insurance and car repairs for the Camp Fire Compassion Fund through Enloe. This assistance ensures safe discharge plans for patients affected by the Camp Fire.
Operating and Program Expenses
Boys and Girls Clubs of the North Valley
$ 25,000
Apr. 2019
Boys and Girls Clubs of the North Valley requested assistance to cover program and operating expenses related to operating their new facility to meet the increased demand for services in the wake of the Camp Fire.
El Medio Fire Protection District Repairs and Gear
El Medio Fire Protection District
$ 25,000
Apr. 2019
El Medio Fire Protection District is requesting assistance to repair one of their units, to purchase more fire hose for both engines, and wildland gear firefighters to better serve the community after the Camp Fire.
Direct Financial Assistance
California Strong, LLC
$ 130,000
Apr. 2019
California Strong requests assistance to provide direct financial assistance to 127 qualified applicants identified through their Camp Fire intake process.
Equipment Replacement
BSA Troop 316
$ 25,000
Apr. 2019
BSA Troop 316 requested assistance to replace equipment for the boy scouts lost in the fire, including a trailer used by the troop.
Essentials to Camp Fire Survivors
Friends of Folsom (on behalf of Julie's Purse Project)
$ 7,500
Apr. 2019
Julie’s Purse Project requested assistance to expand their program that provides essential items to those displaced by the Camp Fire.
Butte 211
Help Central, Inc
$ 288,419
Apr. 2019
Funds four full-time and four part-time positions to allow Butte 2-1-1 to provide 24/7 coverage on emergency telephone lines.
Repeater for Emergency Radio Signals in Fire-Safe Area
GEARS/GARS Golden Empire Amateur Radio
$ 15,000
Apr. 2019
GEARS/GARS requested assistance to purchase and set up a repeater in a fire-safe area in order to be able to reliably provide assistance in the event of another emergency. GEARS/GARS operated emergency radio signals to help coordinate relief efforts in the Camp Fire
Community Resource Specialists
Camp Fire Collaborative
$ 450,000
Apr. 2019
Funds five full-time community resource specialists to assist Camp Fire survivors in navigating the recovery process and accessing resources to develop a long-term recovery plan, which includes securing safe and stable housing. The grant will fund community resource specialists from Youth For Change, United Way, Caring Choices, Tzu Chi and the Jesus Center to work with Camp Fire survivors. It also will fund a half-time coordinator to manage community support services through the Camp Fire Long-Term Recovery Group.
Throwing Starfish Foundation Direct Assistance
Throwing Starfish Foundation
$ 25,000
Apr. 2019
Throwing Starfish Foundation requested assistance to continue providing direct assistance to Camp Fire survivors.
Assistance to Families and Pets affected by Camp Fire
Wags and Whiskers Pet Rescue
$ 25,000
Mar. 2019
Wags and Whiskers Pet Rescue requested assistance to continue providing services for families and pets affected by the Camp Fire. They have taken in 150 displaced pets and provided food, materials, and services to Camp Fire survivors at low or no cost.
Mobile Kitchen Meals
The Salvation Army - Oroville Corps
$ 15,000
Mar. 2019
The Salvation Army - Oroville Corps requested assistance to procure a Salvation Army Mobile Kitchen, which will enable them to provide 3 meals a day to up to 1000 people as they transition back to their properties.
Animal Rescue Communications Vehicle
North Valley Animal Disaster Group
$ 25,000
Mar. 2019
North Valley Animal Disaster Group requested assistance to go towards a $50,000 Communications Vehicle that will be used for animal rescue team communication within mountainous areas.
Staff Gas Cards
Durham Intermediate School
$ 10,000
Mar. 2019
Paradise Elementary School (at Durham Intermediate School) 100 gas cards to assist Paradise Elementary School staff teaching in Durham because of the Camp Fire.
Camp Fire Reporter
Report for America
$ 6,760
Mar. 2019
Report for America requested assistance to cover 25% of the cost of placing a Reporter for America journalist in the Chico Enterprise-Record newsroom to report on Butte County's wildfire news for 1 year.
Camp Fire Survivor Direct Assistance
Throwing Starfish Foundation
$ 20,000
Mar. 2019
Throwing Starfish Foundation requested assistance to provide items on Amazon Wishlists for Camp Fire families, offset the cost of rent, provide relocation assistance and provide help for people off the grid.
Catholic Foundation - Diocese of Sacramento
Catholic Foundation - Diocese of Sacramento
$ 8,600
Mar. 2019
Catholic Foundation - Diocese of Sacramento requested assistance for money that will be used to credit students' tuition accounts, directly offset associated fees, such as school lunches, sports fees, fees for books and technology.
Butte County Large Animal Disaster Evacuation Center Improvement
Camelot Equestrian Park Foundation
$ 25,000
Mar. 2019
Camelot Equestrian Park Foundation requested assistance to improve and repair the Butte County Large Animal Disaster Evacuation Center located at Camelot Equestrian Park.
Gas Cards, Repairs and Supplies
Stand For Kindness
$ 25,000
Mar. 2019
Stand For Kindness requested assistance to continue helping families by providing them with gas cards, car repairs, and new house-wares. They would provide $50 in gas cards for 100 families, $666.67 for car repair for 3 families, and $135.34 for new housewares for 133 families.
Supplies Delivery
Liberty Ministries Christian Fellowship
$ 25,000
Mar. 2019
Liberty Ministries Christian Fellowship requested assistance to increase the number of trips used to deliver supplies to multiple organizations who are serving Camp Fire victims.
Support Camp Fire Survivor Needs
From the Ground Up Farms
$ 25,000
Mar. 2019
From the Ground Up Farms, Inc requested assistance to replace medical devices, pay mechanics, replace tires and support other needs of Camp Fire victims.
Communication Equipment Replacement
California Vocations, Inc.
$ 25,000
Mar. 2019
California Vocations requested assistance to replace a portion of their adapted communication systems and physical stimuli equipment that were lost in the fire, and replace client I-pads and communication/interactive software and physical/visual stimuli equipment. This project will also help to fund a facilitator/consultant needed for a new strategic planning exercise for the reorganization their day programs that were destroyed in the fire.
Medication and Medical Supplies Replacement
The Lyme Center
$ 10,000
Mar. 2019
The Lyme Center requested assistance to provide funds towards the replacement of medications, supplements, naturopathic medications and medical supplies lost in the fire. This would provide 20 $500 grants to cover remedies.
Utilities and Property Insurance
Magalia Community Church
$ 25,000
Feb. 2019
Magnolia Community Church requested assistance to offset utility costs and property insurance at their location where they are providing services to Camp Fire victims.
Custom Care Packages
North Bay Donate
$ 5,000
Feb. 2019
North Bay Donate requested assistance to make custom care packages for fire survivors. This will include groceries, propane, gas, housing, and car and RV repairs.
Operational Support
Camp Fire Collaborative
$ 5,000
Feb. 2019
Camp Fire Long Term Recovery Group requested assistance for operational support.
Housing Assistance, Therapy, Aid
Global Empowerment Mission, Inc.
$ 50,000
Feb. 2019
Global Empowerment Mission requested assistance to provide to residents in need with housing assistance, tools to get a job, therapy, relocation and aid to small businesses.
Magalia Pines Recovery Center
Magalia Pines Baptist Church
$ 25,000
Feb. 2019
Magalia Pines Baptist Church requested assistance to continue relief operations for the Magalia Pines Recovery Center. This includes food service, water, utility assistance, distribution of donated items and purchase and distribution of other items.
Shelter, Food and Transitional Housing
Disaster Relief Strike-Force
$ 25,000
Feb. 2019
Disaster Relief Strike-Force requested assistance to continue providing shelter, food, transitional housing and other resources for affected families.
Relief Warehouse Operations
Pedro Gtp Relief
$ 25,000
Feb. 2019
Pedro Gtp Relief is requesting assistance to continue the operation of their relief warehouse in Redding that has been serving those affected by the Camp Fire.
Costs for Providing Housing and Food
The Outpost Restaurant and Bar
$ 25,000
Feb. 2019
The Outpost Restaurant and Bar requested assistance to help offset the costs of providing housing and food to those affected by the Camp Fire for 1 year.
Direct Assistance
Sacramento Kindness Campaign
$ 5,000
Feb. 2019
Sacramento Kindness Campaign requested assistance to provide direct assistance to those affected by the Camp Fire.
Direct Assistance
Throwing Starfish Foundation
$ 25,000
Feb. 2019
The Throwing Starfish Foundation has requested assistance to provide more direct assistance for Camp Fire families. They have been supplying shelter, food service, medical, and transitional housing.
Direct Assistance
Alalusi Foundation
$ 5,000
Feb. 2019
Alalusi Foundation requested assistance to provide direct assistance to those affected by the Camp Fire.
Internet Service
Paradise Unified School District
$ 25,000
Feb. 2019
Paradise Unified School District requested assistance to purchase data for internet use at Paradise Intermediate School, currently located in the old Orchard Hardware Store building, which lacks the infrastructure to provide internet at the level that a school needs. T-Mobile is donating the use of a cellular tower on wheels (COW) and hotspots, and the district is requesting a grant to pay for the discounted data costs.
Meet Increased Need
Chico Meals on Wheels
$ 25,000
Jan. 2019
Chico Meals on Wheels requested assistance to meet the increased need for their meal services due to the increased population in Chico, as well as their commitment to serve the clients of Paradise Meals on Wheels, which no longer exists. This grant was matched by a $10,000 from the Stiefvater Senior Endowment.
Microchips for Pets
Friends of the Chico Animal Shelter
$ 4,950
Jan. 2019
Friends of the Chico Animal Shelter requested assistance to provide 1,000 microchips for pets in Butte County.
Direct Assistance
North Valley Catholic Social Services
$ 25,000
Jan. 2019
North Valley Catholic Social Services requested assistance to provide direct assistance to those displaced by the Camp Fire.
Shelter Transition and Unmet Needs
Butte County
$ 1,000,000
Jan. 2019
Butte County was granted up to $1 million, in installments, to provide services for families in the Camp Fire emergency shelter at the Silver Dollar Fairgrounds in Chico, the last emergency shelter operating in the aftermath of the Camp Fire. Case workers identified families who were displaced by the Camp Fire yet were not eligible for aid because they were precariously housed before. The county’s potential solutions included providing rental assistance to work with families and other possibilities. The remainder of the grant can be used by the county for other unmet needs of fire victims.
Gift Card Distribution
Posse Foundation
$ 40,000
Jan. 2019
The Chico Posse Foundation has been distributing gift cards and providing direct services to those displaced by the Camp Fire since it began. This grant is our latest support of their program.
Portabe Wood Mill
From the Ground Up Farms
$ 25,000
Jan. 2019
From the Ground Up Farms requested assistance to purchase and provide a portable wood mill to individuals in Concow who are attempting to clean their properties.
Gift Cards
Chico Natural Foods Cooperative
$ 19,200
Jan. 2019
Chico Natural Foods Cooperative requested assistance to provide $100 gift cards to 192 displaced individuals for the Chico Co-op identified through the Hungry Wildcat Food Pantry.
Infrastructure and Operational Support
Paradise Animal Control and Shelter
$ 24,718
Jan. 2019
Paradise Animal Control and Shelter requested assistance for infrastructure and operational support to continue providing for and sheltering pets of displaced people.
Food Service and Events
We Do Designs (On behalf of Angels Among Us)
$ 3,500
Jan. 2019
Angels Among Us requested assistance to provide food service and events for those affected by the Camp Fire.
Direct Assistance
Sacramento Grove of the Oak (on behalf of Fire Angels Network)
$ 25,000
Jan. 2019
Fire Angels Network requested assistance to continue to fund various direct assistance programs.
Gift/Cash Cards
From the Ground Up Farms
$ 25,000
Jan. 2019
From the Ground Up Farms requested assistance to provide gift/cash cards to those affected by the Camp Fire.
Direct Cash Assistance
The Salvation Army Del Oro Division, Emergency Disaster Services
$ 25,000
Jan. 2019
The Salvation Army Del Oro Division, Emergency Disaster Services requested assistance to provide direct cash grants to individuals displaced by the Camp Fire.
Direct Assistance
Throwing Starfish Foundation
$ 20,000
Jan. 2019
Throwing Starfish Foundation requested assistance to provide direct assistance to those affected by the Camp Fire.
Gift Card Distribution
Global Empowement Mission
$ 25,000
Jan. 2019
Global Empowerment Mission requested assistance to facilitate a gift card distribution network through Paradise Fire Adopt a Family.
Food Service and Events
American Tents (On behalf of Angels Among Us)
$ 3,000
Jan. 2019
Angels Among Us requested assistance to provide food service and events for those affected by the Camp Fire.
Direct Assistance
Yankee Hill Fire Safe Council
$ 25,000
Jan. 2019
Yankee Hill Fire Safe Council requested assistance to provide direct assistance to those affected by the Camp Fire.
Replacement of Lost Possessions and Specialized Job Tools
Global Empowerment Mission (on behalf of Paradise Fire Adopt a Family)
$ 20,000
Jan. 2019
Paradise Fire Adopt a Family requested assistance to provide grants to individuals who lost their possessions and require specialized tools for certified job use.
Food Services to Evacuees
The Outpost Restaurant and Bar
$ 3,855
Jan. 2019
The Outpost Restaurant and Bar requested assistance to provide food services to evacuees in the immediate aftermath of the Camp Fire.
Celebration of Life Services
Hillel of Chico
$ 11,432
Jan. 2019
Hillel of Chico request assistance to offset the costs of a Celebration of Life service for those lost in the Camp Fire
Direct Material Assistance
Sewa International
$ 25,000
Jan. 2019
Sewa International requested assistance to provide direct material assistance to those displace by the Camp Fire, as well as to host a Christmas event that was attended by more than 200.
Warehouse Employee Costs
Oroville Hope Center
$ 25,000
Jan. 2019
Oroville Hope Center requested assistance to offset the costs of new warehouse employees for their distribution program.
Support for Disabled Clients
California Vocations, Inc.
$ 25,000
Jan. 2019
California Vocations, Inc. requested assistance to support 40 disabled clients
Safety Equipment for Fire-Responders
Butte County Sheriff's Search and Rescue Team
$ 25,000
Dec. 2018
Butte County Sheriff's Search and Rescue Team requested assistance to provide safety equipment for first-responders
Child Care Services
Diocese of Sacramento
$ 13,410
Dec. 2018
Diocese of Sacramento requested assistance to provide child care to those affected by the Camp Fire
Transportation Assistance
Butte County Office of Education (School Ties Program)
$ 25,000
Dec. 2018
Butte County Office of Education (School Ties Program) requested assistance to provide transportation assistance to 70 client families.
Shelter for Displaced Camp Fire Survivors
Chico Economic Planning Corporation (dba Chicostart)
$ 10,000
Dec. 2018
Chicostart requested assistance to provide office space for people displaced by the Camp Fire.
Butte 2-1-1 Grant
$ 50,000
Dec. 2018
California CF initated a pass-through grant for Butte County 2-1-1 from funds donated to the Camp Fire Relief Fund
Direct Assistance
Diocese of Sacramento
$ 12,000
Dec. 2018
Diocese of Sacramento requested assistance to provide direct assistance to those affected by the Camp Fire
Child Care Services
Boys & Girls Club of the North Valley
$ 25,000
Dec. 2018
Boys & Girls Club of the North Valley requested assistance to provide vital child care services for families affected by the Camp Fire.
Direct Assistance and Resources
$ 25,000
Dec. 2018
Help Central Inc. Dial 2-1-1 requested assistance to provide direct assistance and resources for people displaced by the Camp Fire.
Gift Cards
Chico Posse Foundation
$ 10,000
Dec. 2018
The Chico Posse Foundation has been distributing gift cards and providing direct services to those displaced by the Camp Fire since it began.
Assistance Services
Got Hope Inc. Miracle City Equipping Center
$ 10,525
Dec. 2018
Got Hope Inc. Miracle City Equipping Center requested assistance to provide direct assistance services for those affected by the Camp Fire
Direct Services
Feather River Recreation & Park District
$ 7,500
Dec. 2018
Feather River Recreation & Park District requested assistance to provide direct services to people displaced by the Camp Fire at their location in Oroville.
Direct Cash Assistance
Chico Country Day School PTP
$ 19,000
Dec. 2018
Chico Country Day School PTP requested assistance to provide direct cash assistance to families affected by the Camp Fire.
Emergency Services
The Salvation Army
$ 10,000
Dec. 2018
The Salvation Army requested assistance to provide emergency services for those affected by the Camp Fire.
Child Care Task Force Coordinator
Butte County Office of Education
$ 44,800
Dec. 2018
Butte County Office of Education requested assistance to fund the creation of a Child Care Task Force Coordinator position.
Emergency Assistance
St. Matthew Lutheran Church (For South Placer Acting Resource Community (SPARC))
$ 25,000
Dec. 2018
South Placer Acting Resource Community (SPARC) requested assistance to provide direct assistance to those affected by the Camp Fire
Purchase Material for Displaced Camp Fire Survivors
Shasta Youth Alliance
$ 20,300
Dec. 2018
Shasta Youth Alliance requested assistance to purchase materials for a distribution warehouse for people who were displaced by the Camp Fire.
Parkview Elementary School PTO
Parkview Elementary School PTO
$ 3,500
Dec. 2018
Parkview Elementary School PTO requested assistance to provide displaced student services for those affected by the Camp Fire.
Child Care Services
Thrive Homeschool Program
$ 20,400
Dec. 2018
Thrive Homeschool Program requested assistance to provide child care for those affected by the Camp Fire
Emergency Shelter and Services
Oroville Hope Center
$ 50,000
Dec. 2018
Oroville Hope Center emergency shelter and services for those affected by the Camp Fire
Donated or Purchased Vehicles
Chabad Jewish Center of Chico, Inc.
$ 12,000
Dec. 2018
Chabad Jewish Center of Chico, Inc. requested assistance to operate a program to match those who lost vehicles in the Camp Fire with donated or purchased vehicles.
Direct Assistance
Community Housing Improvement Program (CHIP)
$ 25,000
Dec. 2018
Community Housing Improvement Program (CHIP) requested assistance to provide direct services for those affected by the Camp Fire
Medical and Grooming Services
Promotion of Animal Welfare Society, dba PAWS
$ 10,000
Dec. 2018
Promotion of Animal Welfare Society requested assistance to provide medical and grooming services to pets affected by the Camp Fire.
Direct Legal Assistance
Legal Services of Northern California
$ 10,000
Dec. 2018
Legal Services of Northern California requested assistance to provide direct legal assistance for people displaced by the Camp Fire.
Evacuation Centers
Safe Space Winter Shelter
$ 17,646
Nov. 2018
Safe Space Winter Shelter requested assistance to provide direct services evacuations centers and those affected by the Camp Fire
Emergency Shelter
The Fathers House
$ 5,000
Nov. 2018
The Fathers House of Live Oak requested assistance to provide emergency shelter for those affected by the Camp Fire
Direct Material Assistance
Higman Graphics
$ 4,000
Nov. 2018
Higman Graphics requested assistance to provide direct material assistance for those affected by the Camp Fire
Adopt-a-Family Program
Soroptimist International of Chico
$ 24,000
Nov. 2018
Soroptimist International of Chico requested assitance to offset costs associated with their Adopt-A-Family program for those affected by the Camp Fire
Direct Assistance
Youth For Change
Nov. 2018
Youth For Change requested assistance to provide direct assistance to those affected by the Camp Fire
Emergency Supply Hub
Bidwell Presbyterian Church
$ 10,000
Nov. 2018
Bidwell Presbyterian Church requested assistance to offset the costs of becoming an emergency supply hub for Camp Fire evacuation centers
Medical Assistance
Orchard Hospital
$ 10,000
Nov. 2018
Orchard Hospital was selected for a grant to offset the costs of providing medical assistance for those affected by the Camp Fire
Direct Cash Assistance
American Red Cross
$ 15,000
Nov. 2018
American Red Cross was selected fro a grant to provide direct emergency cash assistance to those affected by the Camp Fire
Direct Services
Jesus Center
$ 25,000
Nov. 2018
The Jesus Center requested assistance to provide direct services to those affected by the Camp Fire
Emergency Shelter
Plumas Bank (For Chester Hall)
$ 10,000
Nov. 2018
Chester Hall was selected for a grant to continue to provide emergency shelter for those affected by the Camp Fire
Emergency Shelter
First Lutheran Church of Orland (For Glenn County Fairgrounds)
$ 10,000
Nov. 2018
Glenn County Fairgrounds was selected for a grant to continue to provide emergency shelter for those affected by the Camp Fire
Direct Cash Assistance
Oroville Union High School District
$ 5,000
Nov. 2018
Oroville Union High School District requested assistance to provide direct cash assistance to those affected by the Camp Fire
Direct Emergency Assistance
Northern Valley Catholic Social Services
$ 25,000
Nov. 2018
Northern Valley Catholic Social Services requested assistance to provide direct emergency assistance for those affected by the Camp Fire
Animal Care
North Valley Animal Disaster Group
$ 10,000
Nov. 2018
North Valley Animal Disaster Group requested assistance to provide animal care and rescue for those affected by the Camp Fire
Emergency Shelter
Neighborhood Church of Chico
$ 25,000
Nov. 2018
Emergency Shelter for Camp Fire evacuees
Direct Assistance
Chico Posse Foundation
$ 50,000
Nov. 2018
Direct assistance for Camp Fire evacuees
Assistance to Older Adults
Passages Adult Resource Center
$ 10,000
Nov. 2018
Passages Adult Resource Center requested assistance to provide assistance to older adults who were affected by the Camp Fire
Child Care
Valley Oak Children's Services
$ 20,000
Nov. 2018
Valley Oak Children's Services requested assistance to provide child care for those affected by the Camp Fire
Assistance to Support First-Responder Families
Camp Fire Public Safety Family Relief Fund
$ 10,000
Nov. 2018
Camp Fire Public Safety Family Relief Fund requested assistance to provide support first-responder families
Direct Services to Veterans
Chico Veterans Resource Center
$ 5,000
Nov. 2018
Chico Veterans Resource Center requested assistance to provide direct services for veterans who were affected by the Camp Fire
Animal Care
Butte Humane Society
$ 45,000
Nov. 2018
Butte Humane Society requested assistance to provide animal care for those affected by the Camp Fire
Emergency Shelter
New Life Church
$ 10,000
Nov. 2018
New Life Church was selected for a grant to continue to provide emergency shelter for those affected by the Camp Fire
Child Care
Boys & Girls Club of the North Valley
$ 20,000
Nov. 2018
Boys & Girls Club of the North Valley requested assistance to provide child care for those affected by the Camp Fire
Direct Cash Assistance
United Way of Northern California
$ 15,000
Nov. 2018
United Way of Northerm California requested assistance to provide direct cash assistance to those affected by the Camp Fire
Child Care
Life Church
$ 20,000
Nov. 2018
Life Church requested assistance to provide child care for those affected by the Camp Fire
Direct Cash Assistance
Tzu Chi
$ 15,000
Nov. 2018
Tzu Chi requested assistance to provide direct cash assistance to those affected by the Camp Fire
Emergency Shelter
Plumas Crisis Intervention and Resource Center (For Plumas County Fairground)
$ 10,000
Nov. 2018
Plumas County Fairground was selected for a grant to continue to provide emergency shelter for those affected by the Camp Fire
Animal Care
Wags and Whiskers Pet Rescue
$ 10,000
Nov. 2018
Wags and Whiskers Pet Rescue requested assistance to provide animal care for those affected by the Camp Fire
Assistance to Older Adults
Peg Taylor Center for Adult Day Health Care
$ 22,500
Nov. 2018
Peg Taylor Center for Adult Day Health Care requested assistance to provide assistance to older adults who were affected by the Camp Fire
Child Care
The Axiom Project
$ 13,500
Nov. 2018
The Axiom Project requested assistance to provide child care for those affected by the Camp Fire
Emergency Shelter
Chico Elks Lodge No. 423
$ 10,000
Nov. 2018
Chico Elks Lodge No. 423 was selected for a grant to continue to provide emergency shelter for those affected by the Camp Fire
Medical Assistance
Oroville Hospital
$ 10,000
Nov. 2018
Oroville Hospital was selected for a grant to offset the costs of providing medical assistance for those affected by the Camp Fire
Direct Assistance
Chico Posse Foundation
$ 10,000
Nov. 2018
Direct assistance for Camp Fire evacuees
Emergency Shelter
Oroville Church of the Nazarene
$ 10,000
Nov. 2018
Oroville Church of the Nazarene was selected for a grant to continue to provide emergency shelter for those affected by the Camp Fire
Nutritional Assistance
World Central Kitchen
$ 25,000
Nov. 2018
World Central Kitchen requested assistance to provide nutritional assistance for Camp Fire evacuees
Emergency Shelter
Bidwell Junior High School Foundation
$ 10,000
Nov. 2018
Bidwell Junior High School Foundation was selected for a grant to continue to provide emergency shelter for those affected by the Camp Fire
Emergency Shelter
Azad's Martial Arts
$ 10,000
Nov. 2018
Azad's Martial Arts was selected for a grant to continue to provide emergency shelter for those affected by the Camp Fire
Emergency Shelter
Yuba-Sutter Fairgrounds
Nov. 2018
Yuba-Sutter Fairgrounds was selected for a grant to continue to provide emergency shelter for those affected by the Camp Fire
Medical Assistance
Enloe Medical Center
$ 10,000
Nov. 2018
Enloe Medical Center was selected for a grant to offset the costs of providing medical assistance for those affected by the Camp Fire
Emergency Shelter
Butte County Fairgrounds
$ 10,000
Nov. 2018
Butte County Fairgrounds was selected for a grant to continue to provide emergency shelter for those affected by the Camp Fire
Emergency Shelter
East Ave Church
$ 10,000
Nov. 2018
East Ave Church was selected for a grant to continue to provide emergency shelter for those affected by the Camp Fire
Emergency Information Assistance
$ 10,000
Nov. 2018 requested assistance to provide emergency information assistance for those affected by the Camp Fire
Child Care
E Center
$ 25,000
Nov. 2018
E Center requested assistance to provide child care for those affected by the Camp Fire
Emergency Shelter and Direct Services
Torres Shelter
$ 4,000
Nov. 2018
Torres Shelter requested assistance to provide emergency shelter and direct services for those affected by the Camp Fire
Emergency Shelter
Neighborhood Church of Chico
$ 10,000
Nov. 2018
Neighborhood Church of Chico was selected for a grant to continue to provide emergency shelter for those affected by the Camp Fire
Direct Assistance/ Unment Needs
Youth for Change
$ 2,271,000
Camp Fire Survivor Winter Relief
Coral Apple Foundation
$ 19,970
Gridley CF Community Health Case Management
Orchard Hospital
$ 50,000
Emergency Financial Assistance
Youth For Change
Emergency Financial Assistance
Youth for Change/ Butte County
$ 1,000,000
Transportation - Bus Passes
NVCF - Transportation Fund
$ 160,000
With both schools and students displaced to other communities, a grant will provide free passes for students who need to ride B-Line buses to get to and from schools.


Funded Projects
Magalia Community Park & Community Center
Magalia Community Park
Nov. 2023
To free up the one-time and variable income streams for programming and other community services to better sustain the organization long term
Fifth Anniversary Commemoration
Camp Fire Collaborative
July 2023
To support community members directly affected by the Camp Fire by helping fund organizations and events commemorating the fifth anniversary
Mechoopda Roundhouse
Mechoopda Cultural Resource Preservation Enterprise
June 2023
To complete the building of a large traditional roundhouse that will be used as a multi-tribal ceremonial and healing center
"HOME ON THE RIDGE" Animal Shelter Expansion Project
Paradise Animal Shelter Helpers (PASH)
June 2023
To improve and renovate the Paradise Animal Shelter; improvements include renovation, expansion, provide proper separation of cats and dogs, providing more effective means of isolating sick animals and more.
Making Connections 2023
Magalia Community Park
May 2023
This funding will help support their efforts toward making a thriving community park for fire survivors.
Station 38 Revamp and Equip
Golden Feather Volunteer Fire Company
Jan. 2023
For various needed repairs or improvements to Fire Station 38 to promote safe, efficient and functional use, including a space for training, meetings and fundraising activities
2023 Staffing
From the Ground Up Farms, Inc.
Dec. 2022
To fill key volunteer positions to oversee our critical operations for 2023
Brand Identity Campaign
Paradise Ridge Chamber of Commerce -
Dec. 2022
To fund the development of a comprehensive brand/identity marketing campaign to attract new residents as well as drive business attraction and retention, energize current residents and position the Ridge Community as a desirable place for relocation, enhancing the general perception
Camp Fire Memorial Gathering
From the Ground Up Farms, Inc.
Nov. 2022
For a remembrance gathering in Concow to honor and remember those lost in the Camp Fire
4th Annual Paradise Revival Festival
Regenerating Paradise
Oct. 2022
To provide support for the 4th annual Paradise Revival Festival that will honor the loss that is associated with November 8th and the historic moment that was the Camp Fire, as well as celebrate the recovery and a hopeful future
Quilters' Camp Fire Recovery
Ridge Quilters' Guild
Sept. 2022
To continue and expand the guild’s textile arts displays and shows, community outreach and quilt making and distribution as a charitable service to the community.
Facility Update and Remodel for Golden Feather Pool
Golden Feather Union Elementary School District
July 27, 2022
Facility Update and Remodel for Golden Feather Pool
Wildfire reporter
North State Public Radio
July 2022
To fund a Wildfire Reporter to keep North State communities safe and informed and hold governments accountable for meeting their needs
Camp Fire Restoration Project
Blue Oak Collective, Inc.
July 12, 2022
Grant will fund the Camp Fire Restoration Project, which will focus on promoting ecological stewardship in fire ecology.
Magalia Community Park and Community Center
Magalia Community Park
May 2022
To support their work continuing to serve the community as a resource for fire survivors. The community center provides recreation, open space and a place for fire survivors to access resources, therapy and much more.
Tree removal and property-cleaning program
From the Ground Up Farms
May 17, 2022
Funding for a tree removal and property-cleaning program.
Hope Plaza
The Hope Plaza Steering Committee
April 12, 2022
Hope Plaza is a landmark dedicated to the memory of the Camp Fire and is designed to be a place of honor for first responders and those who were killed in the fire. It will be on the triangle of land at the corner of Skyway and Foster Road.
Yankee Hill Fire Safe Council
April 12, 2022
The grant will help with staffing, supplies, signage and utilities for the organization, which does fire prevention projects in Concow, Yankee Hill and Cherokee area.
Program helping tree-clearing
Paradise Alliance Church
Apr. 2022
A program that helps clear trees and maintain defensible space for elderly, disabled or low-income residents. The grant will fill some of the gap to provide for needed equipment, technology and outreach marketing.
Spring Concert
Paradise Community Chorus
April 12, 2022
To support its Spring Concert, which will be April 24 at the Paradise Performing Arts Center.
Community park and recreation center
Magalia Community Park
Mar. 2022
To help establish a community park and recreation center
Inspire Hope program
Feather River Health Foundation
Jan. 2022
The Inspire Hope program is a resource hub for good for nonprofits serving Camp Fire survivors.
Phase two construction of bridge rebuild
Honey Run Covered Bridge Association
Dec. 2021
The grant supports phase two construction to rebuild the Honey Run Covered Bridge, which burned in the Camp Fire. Phase two includes rebuilding the floor and trusses. This phase is set to be completed in the summer of 2022.
Infrastructure rebuild of YRCF
Youth on the Ridge Community Foundation
Dec. 2021
The grant will support the Youth on the Ridge Community Foundation (YRCF) to rebuild its infrastructure back to what it was pre-fire, specifically around the Paradise Chocolate Festival. This grant will support YRCF as it works to replace and rebuild infrastructure, including a multitude of unique and whimsical decorations that had been procured and created from 2006-2018.
Community garden development
Green Paradise Garden
Dec. 2021
The grant provides seed money for development of a community garden.
Support five Paradise arts organizations
Paradise Arts, Theater and Culture Hub (Patch)
Dec. 2021
The grant will benefit five Paradise arts organizations that have combined on a project to help rebuild the arts community
Maintenance on Paradise Arts Center
Paradise Performing Arts Center
Dec. 2021
The grant will help the Paradise Performing Arts Center address several deferred maintenance problems, including providing new stage lighting, stage repairs and fixing drainage issues.
Technological updates for library operations
Butte County Library, Paradise Branch
Dec. 2021
The grant will support the purchase and installment of technology to automate library operations and allow the Paradise Branch of the Butte County Library to extend its hours of operation. The technology will allow the branch library to be in operation up to 40 hours per week for card-carrying members.
Concow Pool and Concow School improvements
Golden Feather Union Elementary School District
Dec. 2021
The grant will provide much-needed improvements to the Concow Pool and Concow School property.
Start process of rebuilding
Paradise Community Center
Dec. 2021
The grant will allow the Paradise Community Center to start the process of rebuilding by paying for building estimates, community engagement and a conceptual design for a new center.
20-mile multi-use trail
Paradise Recreation and Park District
Dec. 2021
The grant supports a 20-mile multi-use trail loop that will connect Magalia to recreation resources. This grant is supporting funding gaps in a project that has several other funding sources and partners.
Improve electrical system
Paradise Art Center
Dec. 2021
The grant will provide the Paradise Art Center on Almond Street with funding to improve an inadequate electrical system in an old building and to help improve access for people with physical handicaps.
Tool lending program
From the Ground Up Farms
Nov. 2021
The grant supports equipment maintenance, the expansion of the current workspace with a metal shop building, safety gear and a stipend to staff the tool lending library.
Paradise Community Chorus December Event
Paradise Community Chorus
Sept. 2021
To recruit 30 or more members for Paradise Community Chorus, select appropriate music for a December performance, rent the Paradise Performing Arts Center facility for December 5, organize and implement 12 rehearsals for the group, successfully publicize concert and sell tickets for ongoing sustained support and successfully perform for the community
Community Gatherings
Paradise Alliance Church
$ 21,500
June 2021
Community gatherings in Paradise
Radical Collaboration Pilot Training
$ 5,000
Oct. 2020
To build the capacity of the staff, board and committee leadership for the Camp Fire Collaborative.
Camp Fire Restoration Project
Sol Sanctuary
$ 25,000
Oct. 2020
A $25,000 grant will allow the organization to engage with community partners and work toward environmental restoration and Camp Fire recovery. The group also plans to hold two events that educate the community on how to restore and protect their properties in each season.
Town of Paradise Radio System Rebuild
Paradise Police Department
$ 24,345
July 2020
To immediately improve Officer safety, to purchase six portable (hand-held) radios and necessary accessories that are compatible with and comply with the requirements of Butte County's 700 MHz radio network.
Pioneers Wanted: An Economic Development Video for the ToP
Town of Paradise
$ 15,017
July 2020
To produce a video to encapsulate the current resilient rebuilding efforts and share a vision for the future of Paradise as a place for those with a pioneer spirit to live, work, and play.
Planning and Development Funding to Build a Safer, Healthier Ridge
Paradise Rec and Park
$ 150,000
June 2020
To help fund Paradise Recreation and Park District projects.
Hope Plaza
Hope Plaza Steering Committee
$ 150,000
June 2020
To help the Hope Plaza in Paradise building effort.
Concow Campground
From the Ground Up Farms
$ 47,472
June 2020
To begin improvements to Concow Campground near the lake. The owners of the campground have agreed to allow public use of the playground and bathrooms during daylight hours in good weather for free, as well as free use of facilities for community and nonprofit events. The campground has traditionally been a community gathering spot for many years.
Site Rebuild
Honey Run Covered Bridge
$ 250,000
June 2020
To help the Honey Run Covered Bridge rebuilding effort.
Rebuild Former Site
Gold Nugget Days Inc.
$ 214,000
June 2020
To help the Gold Nugget Museum rebuilding effort.
Golden Feather Pool Remodel
Butte County Recreation and Park District
$ 100,000
June 2020
To help update and remodel the Golden Feather Pool in Concow.
Broadband Feasibility Study
Town of Paradise
$ 50,000
Apr. 2020
To fund a feasibility study to examine avenues to create a premier broadband network for Paradise. All costs are associated with the study and include evaluating current infrastructure, need, and demand, as well as considerations related to a broader regional approach.
Welcome to Pardise Sign Rebuild
Welcome to Paradise Sign Committee
$ 50,000
Apr. 2020
A $50,000 grant will contribute to rebuilding the iconic sign on the Skyway.
Creekside Native Village
From the Ground Up Farms
$ 23,000
Apr. 2020
To rebuild the Creekside Native Village that was on the property of Lake Conco Campground, an important historic landmark for the burn areas in Butte County.
Orland Police Department K-9 Program
Orland Police Department
$ 13,000
Feb. 2020
A $13,000 grant will help pay for training, equipment, veterinarian visits and dog food for a police dog for the city, which has seen an infusion of new residents since the fire.
Butte County Fire Safe Council projects
Butte County Fire Safe Council
$ 50,000
Feb. 2020
A $50,000 grant will connect fire survivors with projects aimed at wildfire recovery, safety programs and other resources.
County Program Development Manager Position
Butte County
$ 282,800
Jan. 2020
The county requested two years of funding for a three-year grants and projects program manager position. The person will help improve the county’s ability to secure much-needed funding for its Camp Fire long-term recovery effort. It will allow the county to focus on pursuing public, private and nonprofit funding opportunities.
Grants/Projects Program Manager
City of Chico
$ 318,610
Jan. 2020
The city requested funding, which will be allocated to cover two years, to enable the city to search, apply for and manage grants for the city related to mitigating Camp Fire impacts in the city and the region.
Grants Administrator Position
Town of Paradise
$ 226,883
Jan. 2020
The town of Paradise requested two years of funding for a three-year grants administrator position. The person will focus exclusively on securing and administering grant funding for the town-led projects identified in the town’s adopted Community Recovery Plan, which was previously funded by the Butte Strong Fund.
Butte County Upper Ridge Community Plan
Department of Development Services
$ 250,000
Dec. 2019
To develop a planning blueprint for Magalia and the upper ridge – the unincorporated area north of Paradise town limits.
Oroville Police Department K-9 Program
Oroville Public Safety Department
$ 20,000
Dec. 2019
A $20,000 grant will help Oroville police add one K-9 team to help the city address a population that increased significantly after the Camp Fire.
Butte County Sherriff's Office K-9 Unit
Butte County Sherriff's Office
$ 50,000
Oct. 2019
A grant of $50,000 will allow the Butte County Sheriff’s Office to add two K-9 units and provide a basic handler course for two officers.
Tree removal
Butte County Fire Safe Council
$ 500,000
Sept. 2019
A grant $500,000 will keep tree removal projects moving forward. The town of Paradise and Butte County are hopeful that FEMA will pay for the costs of removing dead and dying trees from the burned area. The grant, however, will allow the Fire Safe Council to continue its effort to get as many trees as possible removed before the rainy season hits.
Paradise Parade of Flags Replacement
Chico Chapter 50 Daughters of American Revolution
$ 10,000
Aug. 2019
This project would allow Chico Chapter 52 Daughters of the American Revolution to replace flags to continue the tradition of raising 1,100 flags in Paradise on patriotic holidays (Memorial Day, Fourth of July and Veterans Day). This tradition has been going on for 20 years.
Volunteers in Police Service
$ 15,000
July 2019
To replace a radar trailer, uniforms and equipment burned in the Camp Fire.
Listening Sessions & Community Based Recovery
Paradise Lutheran Church
$ 22,500
May 2019
For Collaborations Works Consulting and the Upper Ridge Community Council to host two listening sessions each for Magalia, Concow and Centerville. After, Collaborations Works Consulting will prepare a final report and proposed plan that will be presented to the Butte County Board of Supervisors and the Upper Ridge Community Council.
The Red Wagon Classes
The Red Wagon
$ 25,000
Apr. 2019
The Red Wagon requested assistance to expand its painting, sewing, and art classes for Paradise affected by the Camp Fire
SCVFD Services for Fire and Medical Responses
Stirling City Volunteer Fire Department
$ 19,000
Apr. 2019
Stirling City Volunteer Fire Department requested assistance to ensure the community continues to be serviced by the SCVFD for fire and medical responses. The costs will fund updating equipment, weatherproofing for the station, and Stirling City Community Hall kitchen updates.
Palermo Union School District Counselor
Palermo Union School District
$ 25,000
Apr. 2019
Palermo Union School District requested assistance to hire a counselor to support for families and staff directly impacted by the Camp Fire
Gridley-Biggs Police Department - K9 Unit
Gridley-Biggs Police Department - K9 Unit
$ 18,000
Apr. 2019
Gridley-Biggs Police Department requested assistance to establish a K9 unit to assist law enforcement after the town grew in size following the Camp Fire.
Paradise Police K-9 Unit
Paradise Police K-9 Unit
$ 25,000
Mar. 2019
Paradise Police K-9 Unit requested assistance to continue the current K-9 unit and add a new K-9 unit to the team. The money will be used towards the day to day operations of the program and adopting/training a new K-9.
Butte County Fire Safe Council
Butte County Fire Safe Council
$ 10,925
Mar. 2019
Butte County Fire Safe Council requested assistance to help with preventing tree falling, brush piling and conducting safe burning in the community of Buzztail.
Playground Expansion
Gridley Recreation Division
$ 25,000
Mar. 2019
Gridley Recreation Division wants requested assistance to expand a playground area near a FEMA trailer site. The grant is to offset some of the costs of resurfacing the playground
Communications & Public Relations
Town of Paradise
$ 102,215
Mar. 2019
This grant requested by the town of Paradise provides one year of funding for a communications and public relations coordinator for Paradise town government. The coordinator will coordinate information and messaging through the town manager's office to Paradise citizens, media, community stakeholders, local public agencies, and state and federal organizations.
Newborn Wildlife Housing
Bidwell Wildlife Rehabilitation
$ 15,000
Mar. 2019
Bidwell Wildlife Rehabilitation requested assistance to purchase a shed to house newborn wildlife; funding to buy formula and food for newborn wildlife, and funding to buy miscellaneous supplies that were lost in the fire.
Empower Me Art Workshops
Social Good Fund (on behalf of Empower Me Art)
$ 15,000
Mar. 2019
Empower Me Art requested assistance to offer safe and creative expressive art workshops to help bring normality to communities affected by the Camp Fire.
Welcome to Magalia Sign
Magalia Beautification Association
$ 10,000
Feb. 2019
The Magalia Beautification Association requested assistance to reconstruct the community gardens, planters and the "Welcome to Magalia" sign damaged by the fire.
Paradise Town Planning
Town of Paradise
$ 498,500
Jan. 2019
A grant allowed the town of Paradise to hire Barry Long of Urban Planning Associated to lead an extensive town planning effort. The town is hosting a series of community meetings to listen to residents and gather input about how Paradise should be rebuilt. Residents will have the opportunity to help identify the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for the future. Then in April, residents will participate in helping to create the vision for the town.
California Native Plant Society Wildfire Recovery Guide
Butte County Fire Safe Council
$ 15,000
Jan. 2019
Butte County Fire Safe Council request assistance to develop and publish the California Native Plant Society Wildfire Recovery Guide to help with wildfire prevention.
Paradise Road Assessment
Town of Paradise
$ 24,500
Jan. 2019
Hire a contractor to provide a crack-by-crack inventory of the town's public roadways using innovative technology. This inventory will ensure the infrastructure is restored to a pre-disaster condition, which is imperative to a successful rebuild and benefits all Paradise residents. Using this technology will allow the town to create a nearly irrefutable data set for conditions of the roads before and after debris removal.
Share Your Voice
Rural Education Institute
$ 5,500
Direct assistance for case management system
$ 3,200,000
Grants have been issued so case managers have a pool of money for unmet needs and other forms of financial assistance through the consolidated case management system.


Funded Projects
Band Instruments
Palermo Middle School
Jan. 2023
To purchase new instruments for generational music program
Art Alive
Hearthstone School
Jan. 2023
Funds will support working together with the Rainforest Art Project to create a mosaic emblem of our school emblem, a large campus mural, field trips to museums and to purchase equipment for outdoor learning environment
Nourishing Butte County Youth through Mindful Farm to School Experiences
Mindful Littles
Dec. 2022
To fund the Farm to School Experience which is a hands-on learning opportunity to empower TK-8th grade students to connect to food as nourishment and learn how to make healthier choices for themselves and their community
CHS PBIS Community Honor Scholar
Chico High School
Dec. 2022
To provide ongoing support and training for all students to rebuild and develop new positive behaviors both on campus and in our community
Library Alternative Learning Area (LALA)
Durham Intermediate School
Dec. 2022
to create an alternative seating (chairs) space that is inviting and comfortable for students and staff, and upgrade the academic computer and printer in the Library Alternative Learning Area
Implementation of Integrated Student Supports
Blue Oak Charter School
Dec. 2022
To continue working with author and educator Kim John Payne to increase the effectiveness of the behavior work through integrative student support,
Culture and Career Experience
Prospect High School and Community Day School
Dec. 2022
To fund the Culture and Career project which strives to create and provide students with work experience, cultural growth, and build self pride; by implementing a self sustainable food-cart project
Achieve Charter School of Paradise
Dec. 2022
To fund the purchase of furniture and supplies for a STEM Lab
Outdoor Classroom
Achieve Charter School of Chico
Dec. 2022
To fund the purchase of outdoor classroom furniture for an outdoor classroom
Math Deep Dive Project
Nord Country School
Dec. 2022
For professional development, where the majority of the thirty-member staff made a commitment to receive training in the MTSS pathways, a program that supports the development of cohesive systems to support students in a holistic manner
Breaking Barriers With Student Work Experience
PUSD Ridgeview High School
Dec. 2022
To train one of the teachers through the California Association of Work Experience Educators, to provide one-a-week class that will allow students to work local jobs
Rainforest Art Project Makers Program
Sherwood Montessori
Dec. 2022
To support students working with the Rainforest Art Project to create a stunning mosaic medallion, excel their creative and problem-solving skills, and build relationships and connections
NCTM Conference
Citrus Elementary School
Dec. 2022
For professional development to send three teachers and the principal to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Conference to be held in Washington, DC, October 2023
Learning and The Brain Opportunity
Chico Country Day School
Dec. 2022
For professional development to allow five staff members to the Learning and the Brain Conference in San Francisco, February 2023 to ultimately help support our students and the professional learning of our staff and families
Inspirational Educational Opportunities Beyond the Spring Valley Campus
Golden Feather Union Elementary School District
Dec. 2022
To fund education opportunities and field trips to engage students, especially those who are socio-economically disadvantaged.
Inspire Summer Camp Scholarships
Inspire School of Arts & Sciences
Dec. 2022
To help provide scholarships for up to 40 middle school students in Butte County to enroll in Inspire Summer Camps at no cost to their families
Incentivize our Panthers
Pine Ridge School
Dec. 2022
These funds will provide our school's PAW store and classroom "stores" to be regularly and appropriately supplied
Laptops for LEGOs
Bidwell Junior High School
Dec. 2022
To support Laptops for LEGOs which will provide students with updated laptops for the software needed to run the program
After School Math Tutoring
Chico Junior High School
Dec. 2022
To fund additional after school math tutoring to Chico Junior High School students
MTSS Conference
Durham High School
Dec. 2022
To allow all staff to attend the CA MTSS conference summer 2023 as well as complete the CA MTSS Pathway Certification for Schools
Maker Space and Science Lab Expansion and Services
Forest Ranch Charter School
Dec. 2022
To fund the Maker Space/Science Lab Expansion and addition of services will include the purchase of many new items and supplies to allow us to increase the number of materials and experiences students have access to
Increasing Social Emotional Wellness
Wildflower Open Classroom
Dec. 2022
To build upon Wildflower’s current Social Emotional Library and Literacy practices, including professional development for three staff members to bring programs back to school
Soccer Fields Reconstruction Project - Bleachers
Gridley High School
Dec. 2022
To purchase bleachers and provide seating facing each soccer field
Immersion Professional Development and PBIS Implementation
Rosedale Elementary
Dec. 2022
To fund immersion specific professional development for teachers
Student and Teacher Support Coordinator
Sierra View Elementary School
Dec. 2022
To partially fund our Student and Teacher Support Coordinator for the 2023-2024 school year
Building Staff Momentum Utilizing Dare to Lead Facilitation
CORE Butte Charter School
Dec. 2022
To fund professional development and allow nine members of our leadership team to participate in a 10 month (24 total hours) facilitated educationally focused "Dare to Lead" training, with additional 1-1 monthly coaching sessions
Project Playground Fun Fund
Wyandotte Academy School
Dec. 2022
To support Wyandotte Academy School in its long-term project playground fun fund to build a new playground
Supplies/ Lego Robotics Sets for Lego League Competitions and Guided
Bangor Union Elementary School
Dec. 2022
To purchase supplies for a lego robotics program
SEL and Growth for Juvenile Court Students
Table Mountain School
Dec. 2022
To fund the purchase of SEL curriculum units designed for Juvenile Court students, student incentives, and SEL materials
School Spirit and Support
Berry Creek Elementary School (PUESD)
Dec. 2022
Funding for jackets to expand Positive Behavior Intervention Systems, professional development for the Project Spark P.E. program and for a staff team-building activity
Bringing a better understanding of Equity to our staff.
Chapman Elementary School
Dec. 2022
For professional development, to allow the Equity Alliance group to attend a training with renowned names in Equity implementation
League of Stars and Equine Connection
Fair View High School
Nov. 2022
To continue the Equine Connection program to support student, family and staff self-care
Time to Shine
Marigold School
Nov. 2022
To fund the Time to Shine program which will build upon a culture of learning. By bringing in guest speakers to facilitate anti-bullying assemblies for students and families.
AVID for Equity
Little Chico Creek Elementary School
Nov. 2022
To help fund teacher's second year of AVID Summer Institute training, which is a three-year commitment
Social Emotional Growth Project
Oak Bridge Academy
Nov. 2022
To allow Oak Bridge to train a team on the RULER Approach which focuses on building a growth mindset and common language around emotions, skill development in emotional intelligence, and the building and sustaining of positive social and emotional climates
Equity-centered Culture (Equity Conference and School Equity Nights)
John McManus Elementary School
Nov. 2022
To support efforts toward an equity-centered culture, which includes staff's attendance to the Equity Conference and to host School Equity Nights
PVHS League of Stars and Tutoring
Pleasant Valley High School
Nov. 2022
To fund the continuation of a mentoring program for Chico Unified School District (CUSD) high school students that provides them with opportunities to interact with mentors from CUSD faculty and CSU, Chico students
Family Math Nights
Emma Wilson Elementary
Nov. 2022
To help fund free math nights for families as well as provide transportation for those without, to increase interest in math, provide families with tools to use at home and bring families and staff together.
Career Connections
Marsh Junior High School
Nov. 2022
To support the pilot of the Career Connections program the will start in Fall 2023, which will connect student to the career technical education pathways offered at local high school levels.
Conflict Resolution on the Peace Path
Hooker Oak Elementary School
Nov. 2022
To allow the school staff to be trained on the program, for Peace Path's to be installed on schools grounds and for the program to be rolled out
BCCS Engagement Plans
Butte County Community School
Nov. 2022
For its community engagement plans, which includes parent education nights, family engagement night, field trips and transportation support for those in need
Parkview - M.A.P.S
Parkview Elementary
Nov. 2022
For the implementation of the Multi-Tiered Achievement Partners Program which will focus on the relationship between families and school staff to support social emotional behaviors and academics for students.
Staff Climate/Culture Building
Paradise Junior High School
Nov. 2022
To purchase one all-weather jacket for every staff member
NGSS Focus with STEM Infusion to support LITERACY
Palermo Union School District
Nov. 2022
To fund training in next generation science standards as well as STEM activities which will allow educators to engage students and incorporate the use of technology and hands-on activities to promote literacy
Shasta Agthusiasts
Shasta Elementary
Oct. 2022
To support the Shasta Agthusiasts, experiences that will present mini lessons to classes throughout the campus, which will lead to monthly tastings to encourage students to try new fruits and vegetables, while also showing that it is possible to grow one’s own food instead of relying on buying food at the store
Forxa Dance Academy
Cedarwood Elementary
Oct. 2022
To support Forxa Dance Academy in continuing efforts of bringing their students, staff and parent community together. Students will receive two weeks of dance instruction then perform for parents
School Build Back
HomeTech Charter School
Oct. 2022
To support HomeTech in their mission to strive to build back its educational program and outperform its pre-fire/pandemic data
Kinder Playground Update
Ophir School, Oroville City Elementary School District
Oct. 2022
To provide funds to Ophir School to update their playground
Data Driven Instruction
Neal Dow School
Oct. 2022
For training in data driven instruction as well as social emotional support for students. This funding will also specifically be spent on playground aid support for the current needs of students.
Professional Development for our Counselor
Children's Community Charter School
Sept. 2022
To provide professional development needed for counselors to support students and families
Professional Development
STREAM Charter School
Sept. 2022
To provide professional development for teachers at STEAM
ISTE Conference Collaborative Project
Paradise Charter Middle School
Sept. 2022
To send teachers to the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Conference in Philadelphia, PA which focuses on transforming teaching and learning, accelerating innovation, and solving tough problems in education
Comprehensive Literacy State Development
Butte County Office of Education
Aug. 2022
For professional development under the comprehensive literacy state development initiative
Fall 2023 Intermediate Dance Academy
Paradise Ridge Elementary School
Aug. 2022
To provide a two-week dance academy for students, to allow students to build on the skills they developed in the initial academy and provide them with another opportunity to perform on the community arts center stage.
Student support program
Paradise Charter Middle School
May 2022
To fund a student support program focused on social and emotional growth.
School counselors
Paradise Unified School District
Feb. 2022
The grant will allow PUSD to share the cost of the seven counselors and a coordinator position with the Butte Strong Fund for the 2022-23 and 2023-24 school years.
Rainforest Art Program
Pine Ridge School
Feb. 2022
To allow students to help create five permanent public artworks for the school campus.
Trauma-informed artists in schools
Butte County Office of Education
Sept. 2021
To continue a program that places trauma-informed teaching artists in the schools.
Counselors at Butte County schools
Butte County schools
Sept. 2021
To extend the counseling services at 13 school sites including Paradise, Magalia, Concow and Berry Creek.
Mindful Littles program
Paradise Unified School District
Sept. 2021
To allow the service-learning program to expand during the current school year to serve approximately 7,000 Paradise elementary school students.
Mindful Service Learning Program for Paradise Unified Elementary Schools
Mindful Littles
Aug. 2021
To successfully expand and implement a year-long (32-week) mindful service learning program for all TK-6th grade elementary students in 3 schools at Paradise Unified School District. This will serve approximately 700 Paradise students, with exact student enrollment count to be determined at the start of the school year.
Student transport
Golden Feather Union Elementary School District/Yankee Hill Fire Safe Council
$ 17,000
Apr. 2021
The grant funds a collaboration between the Golden Feather Union Elementary School District and the Yankee Hill Fire Safe Council. The program provides gas vouchers for parents in the district, which has 69 students and does not have bus drivers or operational buses.
Kelvin Pulse Survey Program
Achieve Charter School of Paradise Inc.
$ 11,475
Oct. 2020
To monitor, analyze, track and support the mental health of our students, staff, and families with the outcome of providing targeted supports to improve mental health.
Supporting Students w/ Hotspots
HomeTech Charter School
$ 16,800
Apr. 2020
A $16,800 grant will assist 35 students unable to access or afford wi-fi. HotSpots were donated by T-Mobile but the broadband lines for all devices will cost $16,800 over 24 months.
Concow School Digital Lifeline Initiative
Golden Feather Union Elementary School
$ 7,540
Dec. 2019
A $7,540 grant will pay data rates for students in the Golden Feather Union Elementary School District. TMobile donated 29 digital MiFi devices to students and additional devices to staff. These devices facilitate cellular connection and provide students with access to web-based learning materials.
Pioneer Support 2019
Bidwell Junior High School
$ 5,000
Dec. 2019
The Bidwell Junior High School Foundation requested $5,000 to help 50 students enrolled at Bidwell whose families were directly affected by the Camp Fire. Based upon recommendations from school counselors or case managers, students could be provided with P.E. clothing, backpacks, school supplies, hygiene kits, clothing, shoes and other needs
Developing a Resiliency Collaborative
CSU, Chico
$ 40,259
Dec. 2019
The grant provided gift cards for the Camp Fire Long Term Recovery Group to offer to participants in the World Renew needs assessment in January. The data gathered from the assessment will be critical to secure additional resources to address the unmet needs in the community.
Concow School at Spring Valley
$ 100,000
Oct. 2019
Spring Valley School near Concow will get a new playground with the help of a $100,000 donation.
Reopening Pee Wee Preschool
Pee Wee Preschool
$ 50,000
Aug. 2019
This grant provides vital resources to allow Pee Wee Preschool to reopen and remain open through the winter. As one of the only remaining preschools in Paradise, this grant will allow it to provide services that would not be available otherwise.
Skilled Workforce
Butte College Foundation
$ 268,400
July 2019
Funds for new construction program. The grant included scholarships for 50 students for the fall semester starting Aug. 26. The grant also includes money for equipment and laptops for the program.
Calming/Reset Room
Golden Hills Elementary School
$ 4,500
Apr. 2019
Golden Hills Elementary School requested assistance to change their meeting room into a calming/ reset room. The money will be used to buy moveable desks, therapeutic tools, and calming activities.
Instructional Aide
Palermo Union School District
$ 9,406
Apr. 2019
Palermo Union School District requested assistance to hire an Instructional Aide to supervise the calm down room on campus at Helen Wilcox School.
Peg Taylor Center program
Innovative Services, Inc.
$ 24,975
Apr. 2019
Innovative Health Care Services, Inc. requested assistance to provide program scholarships, additional social work, nursing, and therapy support.
Textbooks and Art Supplies
Chico Oaks Adventist School
$ 25,000
Apr. 2019
Chico Oaks Adventist School requested assistance to purchase textbooks and art supplies for the upcoming school year, as well as to hire a credentialed art instructor for the students.
Trauma-Informed Training
Neal Dow School
$ 6,639
Apr. 2019
Neal Dow School requested assistance to send 5 staff members to a conference to receive trauma-informed training and to train other staff.
Displaced Student Support, ASSIST Coaches
Parkview Elementary School
$ 5,952
Apr. 2019
Parkview Elementary School requested assistance to provide displaced student services for those affected by the Camp Fire including A.S.S.I.S.T. coaches for recess and two One Circle Foundation programs.
Reading Intervention Program
Neal Dow School
$ 5,900
Mar. 2019
Neal Dow School requested assistance to purchase a reading intervention program for their students. This request is partially matched by a $5,000 donation from Sierra Nevada.
ASSIST Program Coaches
Citrus Elementary School
$ 4,554
Mar. 2019
Citrus Elementary School requested assistance to provide students with ASSIST program coaches during recess for the remainder of the 2018-19 school year.
Pine Ridge Elementary Accomodations
Pine Ridge Elementary
$ 20,000
Mar. 2019
Pine Ridge Elementary requested assistance to offer additional accommodations for a special-needs education environment at the school.
ASSIST Team Sports
Neal Dow School
$ 7,425
Mar. 2019
New Dow School requested assistance to hire an ASSIST Team Sports for a structured and safe recess.
Camping Experience
Durham Unified School District
$ 2,250
Mar. 2019
Durham Unified School District requested assistance to help pay for 9 students to attend Shady Creek, a week-long camp experience.
STEAM Day Camp
Thrive Homeschool Program (on behalf of Camp Wild Heart)
$ 25,000
Mar. 2019
Camp Wild Heart requested assistance to fund Chico's premier STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math) day camp.
Butte County Art on Wheels Portanble Murals
Chico Art Center & Celebration of People Inc. (on behalf of Butte County Art of Wheels)
$ 15,000
Mar. 2019
Butte County Art on Wheels requested assistance to fund a series of portable murals for each school that was displaced by the Camp Fire.
Functional Life Skills Class Assistance
Ponderosa Elementary School
$ 5,145
Mar. 2019
Ponderosa Elementary School Functional Life Skills Class requested assistance for changing table with steps, changing pad, changing table paper rolls, touch screen devices, and durable cases for those devices. The items purchased will be used for the education and care of students with severe special needs
Forebay Aquatic Center Trips
Feather River Center
$ 7,500
Feb. 2019
Feather River Center requested assistance to provide a no-cost trip to the Forebay Aquatic Center for students at two schools affected by the Camp Fire
Trauma Speaker and PA System
Paradise Intermediate School
$ 1,500
Feb. 2019
Paradise Intermediate School requested assistance to have Keith Hawkins as a speaker to speak about trauma and money towards a new PA system for the presentation, and later for school announcements and events.
AP, SAT and PSAT Exam Costs
Inspire Foundation
$ 25,000
Feb. 2019
Inspire Foundation requested assistance to cover the costs of SAT and PSAT exams for 70 students, and the costs of AP exams for 100 students, as well as additional funds for their individual need fund.
Annual Field Trip
Achieve Charter School of Paradise Inc.
$ 25,000
Feb. 2019
Achieve Charter School of Paradise requested assistance to send their 6th and 8th-grade classes on their annual field trip free of charge and with adequate gear.
Trip Transportation
Achieve Charter School
$ 6,225
Feb. 2019
Achieve Charter School requested assistance to cover costs for transportation tickets and other expenses for three trips over the remainder of the school year.
School Performances
Cedarwood Elementary School
$ 800
Feb. 2019
Cedarwood Elementary School requested assistance to host the Traveling Lantern Theatre Company for Children to provide 2 performances for children at the school.
PE Trips and Recreational Activities
Paradise Intermediate
$ 25,000
Feb. 2019
Paradise Intermediate students requested assistance to provide the students with PE trips and recreational activities and events.
ASSIST Program Coaches
Little Chico Creek Elementary School
$ 6,800
Feb. 2019
Little Chico Creek Elementary School requested assistance to make the A.S.S.I.S.T Team Coaches program, which offers a play-based curriculum that teaches social-emotional skills through playground games and social interaction, available to students.
Screening Trip
Paradise High School
$ 1,075
Feb. 2019
Paradise High School requested assistance to provide World History students (135) a free trip to screen Schindler's List as part of their holocaust curriculum.
Supplies Replacement, Personnel Costs
Reading Pals Paradise
$ 10,000
Jan. 2019
Reading Pals Paradise requested assistance to replace supplies and offset the cost of personnel in order to make the Reading Pals program available to those affected by the Camp Fire.
Bee Bots Program Software and Equipment
Ponderosa Elementary School
$ 937
Jan. 2019
Ponderosa Elementary School requested assistance to purchase mats and software that are part of the Bee Bots program that are used in the Kindergarten STEM lab.
Campus Security
Achieve Charter School of Paradise Inc.
$ 11,025
Jan. 2019
Achieve Charter School of Paradise Inc. requested assistance to provide campus security at their new location at Life Church on East Avenue for the remainder of the 2018-19 school year.
Student Expenses
Edinburgh Fund
$ 25,000
Jan. 2019
The Edinburgh Fund requested assistance to cover the expenses of 10 students affected by the Camp Fire who are going to perform in Scotland.
Butte College Laptops
Computers for Classrooms
$ 25,000
Jan. 2019
Computers for Classrooms requested assistance to provide 250 laptops to Butte College students affected by the Camp Fire.
Student Activities
Paradise High School Activities
$ 24,297
Jan. 2019
Paradise High School Activities requested assistance to provide all of the usual activities to Paradise High students free of charge for the rest of the year.
Preschool Tuition
St. Isidore School
$ 15,866
Jan. 2019
St. Isidore School requested assistance to offset the cost of providing free preschool tuition to the younger siblings of students who were displaced by the Camp Fire.
Scholarships to Graduating Seniors
Chico Community Scholarship Association
$ 25,000
Jan. 2019
Chico Community Scholarship Association requested assistance to provide scholarships to graduating seniors who were affected by the Camp Fire.
Field Trip Funding
Paradise Elementary
$ 4,500
Jan. 2019
Paradise Elementary requested assistance to provide funding for field trips for 275 students for the rest of the year.
Classrooms and Chromebooks
Chico Oaks Adventist School
$ 25,000
Jan. 2019
Chico Oaks Adventist School requested assistance to bring classrooms being used for new students up to the standard of the rest of the campus, and for Chromebooks for new students
School Supplies
Sierra View Elementary School
$ 3,750
Jan. 2019
Sierra View Elementary School requested assistance to offset costs related to bringing in and providing supplies for new and existing students who were displaced by the fire.
Campus Security
Achieve Charter School of Paradise Inc.
$ 21,280
Jan. 2019
Achieve Charter School of Paradise Inc. requested assistance to provide campus security at their new location at Life Church on East Avenue for the 2019-20 school year
Hope Academy
$ 20,370
Jan. 2019
Hope Academy requested assistance to offer free education to more families through the rest of the school year.
Paradise Charter Middle School
$ 3,400
Jan. 2019
Paradise Charter Middle School requested assistance to provide 170 yearbooks free of charge to students and staff.
Chromebooks and Counseling Services
Chico Country Day School
$ 25,000
Jan. 2019
Chico Country Day School requested assistance to provide Chromebooks and counseling services to displaced students as well as gear and tuition for upcoming environmental camp and camping field trips
School Supplies and Events
Inspire School of Arts and Sciences
$ 24,253
Dec. 2018
Inspire School of Arts and Sciences requested assistance to purchase school supplies and host events for students affected by the Camp Fire
School Supplies
Paradise Unified School District
$ 2,271
Dec. 2018
Paradise Unified School District requested assistance to provide supplies for students affected by the Camp Fire.
Tuition and Nutrition Assistance
Paradise Adventist Academy
$ 25,000
Dec. 2018
Paradise Adventist Academy requested assistance to provide tuition and nutritional assistance to students displaced by the Camp Fire.
Computers for Classrooms
Computers for Classrooms
$ 25,000
Dec. 2018
Computers for Classrooms requested assistance to provide 250 computers to students affected by the Camp Fire.
School Supplies, Uniforms, Hygiene Kits, etc.
Bidwell Junior High School Foundation
$ 3,900
Dec. 2018
Bidwell Junior High School Foundation requested assistance to provide school supplies, P.E. uniforms, hygiene kits, and spirit items to students displaced by the Camp Fire
Cot Replacements
Paradise High School FLS Special Ed Class
$ 500
Dec. 2018
Paradise High School FLS Special Ed Class requested assistance to quickly replace cots for use by the special education class.


Funded Projects
Rediscover the Ridge: the communities of Paradise and Magalia, California
Youth on the Ridge Community Foundation, Inc.
June 2022
To collaboratively showcase and promote the various amenities and opportunities for recreation and to increase the public perception of the Paradise Ridge communities; to provide economic stimulus to events and the business community
Mobile Training Force
Valley Contractors Exchange
Sept. 2021
To recruit new workers and develop skills of existing workers to help fill a gaping need for skilled workers in building trades such as electricians, plumbers and concrete finishers.
Business Assistance Loan Fund
$ 400,000
Aug. 2019
This grant is a local match requirement for a federal revolving loan fund to support small-business lending.
Economic Impact Analysis
$ 100,000
This grant serves as a local match for a U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration (EDA) revolving loan fund application for up to $2 million for business recovery.
Business Assistance Fund
$ 750,000
The funding is allocated into two focus areas: 1) funding the 3CORE community resource manager over two years; and 2) consulting for recovery work for two years.


Funded Projects
Clerical and gardening staff
From the Ground Up Farms
Feb. 2022
To hire clerical and gardening staff for the nonprofit organization that has been immersed in fire recovery work.
December community concert
Paradise Community Chorus
Sept. 2021
To help the organization stage a December community concert
Recreation and Play Voucher Program
EveryBody Healthy Body
$ 25,000
Oct. 2020
A $25,000 grant will fund the organization’s Recreation and Play Voucher Program. EveryBody Healthy Body’s overall goal is to help 400-500 children get involved in some type of play or recreation. This grant will allow 100 kids the opportunity to participate in a community recreation program or an opportunity through an equipment voucher to start participating at home.
Yankee Hill Historical Society Grant
Yankee Hill Historical Society
Sept. 2019
To rent toilets and handwashing stations at the restored Messilla Valley Schoolhouse.
Community Wildlife Preparedness
Butte County Fire/Town Paradise Fire
$ 25,000
July 2019
Funds to create a surplus stock of community evacuation plans and wildfire preparedness pamphlets for distribution throughout the county. 
Organizational Support
Oroville Hope Center
$ 50,000
July 2019
For staffing, a warehouse lease and other infrastructure support for the organization that supplies food, water and goods to more than 10 sites in Butte County in response to the Camp Fire. The organization supports on average 1,500 families or individuals per month out of the Paradise Hope Center.
St. John's Facilities Support
St. John's Episcopal Church
$ 22,200
June 2019
To help pay for maintenance at the facility in Chico. St John's has housed several fire-related groups that meet at its facilities regularly, including the Camp Fire Long-Term Recovery Group, the American Red Cross and others.
Campus-Community Liaison
CSU, Chico Foundation
$ 50,000
June 2019
Provides funding to cover a portion of the campuscommunity liaison position for Chico State. This coordinator works with community, campus and out-of-area partners, as well as the Camp Fire Long-Term Recovery Group, to encourage collaboration in recovery efforts.
Yearbook Reprints
Herff Jones Yearbooks
$ 25,000
Apr. 2019
Herr Jones Yearbooks requested assistance to do a professional scan of past yearbooks and then print and sell discounted yearbooks to those who lost theirs in the Camp Fire, going back as far as 1962.
Yearbook Reprints
Herff Jones Yearbooks
$ 25,000
Apr. 2019
Herr Jones Yearbooks requested assistance to do a professional scan of past yearbooks and then print and sell discounted yearbooks to those who lost theirs in the Camp Fire, going back as far as 1962.
Children's Community Charter School
$ 4,150
Mar. 2019
Children's Community Charter School requested assistance to provide yearbooks for their students at Children's Community Charter School. The money will go towards the cost for 175 copies. This includes several for interested students who have had to leave the area due to the fire.
Healing Trauma through Nature
Paradise Recreation & Parks District
Jan. 2019
This grant supports a comprehensive program to develop and deliver expanded outdoor experiences designed to help heal the Camp Fire related traumas experienced by the residents of Paradise, Concow, Yankee Hill, Magalia and Butte Canyon.

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1811 Concord Ave., Suite 220

Chico, CA 95928

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